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  1. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    Update.. putting my humidifier back in my bloom room has fixed the issue I no longer have twisting or burnt edges. Just the natural fading and slow yellowing of leaves now as flower comes to an end. Also I returned my temps to around 82 as the ladies were taking a whole week before needing...
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    "This is the way"
  3. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    Ohhhh omg so it's like an earth box.. I've been reading alot about them too
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    Wow lol these IPAs are really affecting my typing
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    What's sips ? I almost did 7 gals but I had the 3 and 5 gals from my liquid nute grows and I try to not be a consumer as little as possible
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    I've been doing alot of reading about ag growers using crop steering to get bigger yeilds in living soil then they were in hydro and this is why id rather not flush or cheat by switching to liquid nutes halfway thru like I read about most people doing that see deficiencies in organic. I'd rather...
  7. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    This is what I believe too but I guess it can't hurt to check later
  8. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    Im gonna check it all when I water tonight
  9. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    Hopefully I can make it to the end without these ladies doing the same thing. I am now starting to see why people pheno hunt and take clones instead of starting from seed as most of my plants are doing well but a couple are just real finiky
  10. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    And aged forest material and basalt
  11. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    LoL the Royal Gold Tuper.. is Coco and perlite
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    Well I already have maxibloom from my other coco grows but your right I don't like that Idea. Im just going to ride it out if I can't save them naturally.. if they don't turn out looking pretty I guess I'll just wash it and make hash. Thanks for your help tho.
  13. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    Lol I wouldnt say I'm a victim as for the most part it's been a fairly easy grow. It's coco but it's more of a super soil with coco. It cooked for 60 days. Only 3 of my 8 plants are having problems. Definitely a learning curve from liquid nutes but the smell and terp profiles are way better than...
  14. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    The RH being low kinda makes since about the time I saw signs I think was when I moved my humidifier to my veg tent. Although I don't think it's nute burn because of excessive salt build up. Just simply because the only salts I believe are in my nutes are the natural sea salts found in my crab...
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    I use r/o water and I don't check the pH since I'm growing in soil. I water till just a little bit comes out the bottom of the 5 gallons so that I don't wash out my nutes and microorganisms.
  16. S

    Twisting and burnt edges

    I'm in 5 gallon fabric pots, Royal Gold Tuper, mixed with worm castings and Neem seed, insect frass and dry amendments and my leaves are showing sings of twisting and deficiencies. About halfway thru flower and this is my 1st time growing in soil and for the love of god I cannot figure this out...
  17. S

    Tiny spots on leafs

    That's ppm.. ec would of been around 1200..( or am I wrong) but I agree they were under feed or over watered I think because they barely stretched at all and were supposed to almost triple in height
  18. S

    Tiny spots on leafs

    It Well it went away.. not sure what caused it. Too much of a newb. I have some ideas but nothing I know of for sure. Still waiting to see how it turns out
  19. S

    Is this okay

    ... I'd have too wait till my lights come on
  20. S

    Is this okay

    Yep.. not seeing any amber yet and still quite a few clear ones. The strain is Super Silver Haze from ILGM... Said it takes 9 to 11 weeks but I'm not sure if growing in coco will give me a quicker harvest like with hydro