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    Re veging

    Just a big ass tent stands out
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    Re veging

    For sure or havest early leaving have the plant to reveg
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    Re veging

    Depends on your need to be discreet
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    Re veging

    Toilet tent lined to make light proof
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    Re veging

    Freezer or refrigerator box
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    Re veging

    Going to be hard to make it light proof need complete darkness Yb disturbed for 12 hours or less
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    Re veging

    Like from camping
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    Re veging

    Toilet tent or similar
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    Re veging

    I did the same thing other than I put budding clones out too late wanting them to reveg only to continue to bud lost all my next season clones sorry it's not much help to you.
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    Re veging

    Are you in a position that you could cover them daily. If they have started to reveg the buds will be discarded. They look good can you move them indoors?
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    Show me your trunk

    What's the medium on top? Nice trunk
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    Show me your trunk

    That's a big dick you have
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    Show me your trunk

    Go trunk or go home
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    Show me your trunk

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    Aloe Vera gel as fertilizer for roots

    All I can say is it wouldn't hurt. There is plenty of root improvemet formulated products just found this works
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    Issues in last weeks of flowering DWC

    Looking good nice clean setup looking forward to more pics
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    Issues in last weeks of flowering DWC

    Just from issues this run I found if I missed a a top up I would see potassium deficiency issues pretty quickly finding at one stage I needed to top up over 10ltrs from just missing one day/night cycle in a single 55liter 10 makes a massive gap and concentrated res water.
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    What up guys. New grower

    Hi welcome they are a dark green indication of high nitrogen back off on feed just water when needed. The burnt edges are typically tip burn too high in ph/ nutrient strength. Imo
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    Issues in last weeks of flowering DWC

    Hi welcome I see some issues have you had and times with a low res
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    Whatever you use make sure it is applied on every surface area of the plants and 15 minutes before lights off. Imo