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    Aloe Vera gel as fertilizer for roots

    I can say using aloe Vera as a rooting hormone worked amazingly just my experience.
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    How quickly can a plant become pot bound?

    Imo Rule of thumb I take is the roots will be twice as long /wide as the tops. I am no expert but I have had plenty of first hand experience and are only willing to help if I can.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sweet just wish to have a cool switch over for sumer heat wise current hps keep things toasty just extreme cooling lots of noise. How many plants do have under one? Have you used other lights?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Bursto nice setup which species of light is that?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yes I know no pics with lights on just couldn't be done
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    So...what's going on here?

    Imo I could only guess it was a female from the beginning. As I am no expert I would like to see other opinions
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I have never had any outdoor experience so I am going to ask lots of questions. How old will the clones be when you plant?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Awesome work do you do a soil test before planting? My guess is 4 plants maybe 6
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    Help! What is this?

    Imo I still use a small amount of grow and bloom for the fist few weeks of bloom to not stress them. Imo It could be an excess of potassium
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    So...what's going on here?

    Hi your doing well as far as sex of a plant a male will always be a male. A female plant will always be female even if seeded by a male. Only other time will if a female plant is stressed it may become a female with male pollen sacks
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    Flowering already outdoor.

    Hi the reveg in imo will take a week or more for every week out of its normal veg hours. But it will reveg
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    How quickly can a plant become pot bound?

    Yes they can grow crazy fast looking for moisture
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    Weed plant 20 days old. First time grower. Does it look good?

    Hi it's alive good start imo I wouldn't feed any nutes until it has used it's first leaves the round ones not sure of the technical name for it. The soil is it straight out of the ground?
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    What LED Light should i get.

    Hi jumping in on this looking to replace my hps 600 with a suitable Led or cob any advise?
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    And yet another NOOB asking for advice...

    Almost like a dry cleaning service but for buds
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    Holes in leaves

    Any other photos? No Nat's flying around?
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    DWC strange growing problems

    As I read there are many strains that ate just painfully probmatic from the beginning as all clones carry the genetic traits good and bad. Haven't heard much good news with my current strain but there are so many factors in play.