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  1. BCBuddy420

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    Hey guys :) This is to the OP or anyone, much appreciated. Alot of you guys seem to be quite knowledgeable in hydroponics whereas I am not! Never tried it :? I am humbly asking for a few pointers? I have a plan design of a pvc tube system grow (have done a fair bit of homework) with net pots and...
  2. BCBuddy420

    how much longer?

    ....omfg... I'm back here again, I just read another pile of pages. Guys I think I need help, lol, I keep coming back here. Someone posted about how there is a possibility of severe trollism going on... maybe so, I can't tell forsure but I'm drawn back like a bad habit, reading this garbage. "...
  3. BCBuddy420

    3rd week in flowering leaves falling

    I don't see any problems other than severe stretching of the plant. Did you keep the light close all the way through? I personally would never flower with that tube fluorescent light you have there no offense. You should pick up some cfl's, say 2 in the flowering type and hang them vert, very...
  4. BCBuddy420

    3rd grow only getting 20g per plant after its dried

    Tsk Tsk.... I told you exatly how to get them bushier in my previous post. I take that you didn't read it or didn't understand?
  5. BCBuddy420

    can anyone give me a report on my plants?

    they look fine, time to transplant into their final pots you will use. Good luck. :bigjoint:
  6. BCBuddy420

    Pro Mix Hp did i get the wrong soil?

    Yep I can suggest that you read for about 3 days straight, the basics on growing. Start there.
  7. BCBuddy420

    Pro Mix Hp did i get the wrong soil?

    HP Promix is not soil... it says right on the fricken bag that it's a soilless medium.
  8. BCBuddy420

    I sprayed my plant with sovereign silver

    Okay dude....get a spray bottle filled with water and soak it down. Only thing you can do now. It may or may not hermie on ya but live and learn right.
  9. BCBuddy420

    1st Grow Yellow Leaf Question

    Flush with 3 x the pot volume and cut your nutes down by at least half. Then just be careful. It's just nute burn, we all have had it.
  10. BCBuddy420

    Am I ready to harvest? First grow...

    ..........I'm not touchin' it :wall:
  11. BCBuddy420

    To Air Cool or not to Air Cool, that is the question.

    The t-12's are nothing compared to a HID light. The heat builds fast as heck. You don't really need a cooltube. I assume you don't have a fresh air source yet. It's so important :wall: I have cut holes in floors and then crawled through 100 or more feet of cobwebs and nasty dirt( rodent feces...
  12. BCBuddy420

    To Air Cool or not to Air Cool, that is the question.

    It would be a good idea to get a duct line running in there, you will have heat issues, almost guaranteed. Even passive, if short enough should run enough cool air to keep your temps below danger levels. Or you want even cooler just throw a cheap axial fan at the base (where you draw the fresh...
  13. BCBuddy420

    I'm new to cloning pls help

    Once the plant begins the flowering cycle, it's hormone substance (florigen) kicks in and it goes from vegetative growth to flowering. Once this change occurs within, it takes a hefty length of time for a revert back into normal veg growth. I've tried it, it takes forever. I do not agree with...
  14. BCBuddy420

    Am I ready to harvest? First grow...

    :clap: @ bmeat-head. Do not give advice to guys...they might take it.
  15. BCBuddy420

    I'm new to cloning pls help

    the first poster nailed it, that's everything you need to get roots. Bang on except I've never used a heating pad...don't seem to need it, i'm sure it helps though. I still get 99% success without it though, just lot's and lot's of humidity. Spray those babies as soon as they get even close to...
  16. BCBuddy420

    Help ! Looking for Bud Porn

    It was a strain I got from a hydroponic store, I know the owner. No clue where he got it, was years ago, it's been slutted/cutted out many a time.
  17. BCBuddy420

    Help ! Looking for Bud Porn

    Thank you, thank you guys :) it's og kush and it was very nice. I loved that hindu Marc, I gotta raise up that strain sometime.
  18. BCBuddy420

    My Buddy From Another Province is An Idiot ( a Rant )

    Your bang on. 9,100 and that's down to the last tape roll, cord and staple. Building rooms is jolly good fun. Only 25/hr for the builder you say... seems cheap when doing something that requires latex gloves and attempts at muffling hammering noises.
  19. BCBuddy420

    Help ! Looking for Bud Porn

    Shoot I'll throw down, I'm proud too. these are OG KUSH strain, my first grow ever.