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  1. Horselover fat

    I'm stumped, what am I doing wrong??

    Diagnosing plants from a few photos is difficult. It's fairly easy to see a plant is deficient of something, but understanding why it is is much more difficult and more important. I wish people used EC instead of ppm, because how are we to know which ppm scale they are using. Anyway... They...
  2. Horselover fat

    Favorite Music or Movie to Harvest to?

    I like to listen to pod casts or audio books. Listening to speech takes my mind off what I'm doing better than music.
  3. Horselover fat

    Wait… how does that… even happen?

    That's not weed... that's a weed.
  4. Horselover fat

    Genetically Modified Organisms

    By making the plants sterile.
  5. Horselover fat

    Aliens....Do You Believe?

    Oh and the night sky... Go somewhere truly dark and the sky is full of stars, right? If conditions are good you may be able to see 2500-5000 stars. That's all. Our galaxy has around 200 000 000 000 stars. There are 80 000 000 stars in the milkyway for every single dot you might ever see in the...
  6. Horselover fat

    Aliens....Do You Believe?

    Essentially I'm with you. It does seem like travelling far enough to meet any other lifeforms will be impossible for humans. You are just overlooking one thing: Artificial intelligence will not care how long something takes. I may have posted this picture in this threas before, but it truly...
  7. Horselover fat

    Genetically Modified Organisms

    Just picking some obvious examples :)
  8. Horselover fat

    When to Start My Flush?

    Inb4 shitstorm Ps. don't flush your plants. Feed right and keep your plants healthy and growing until the end. Makes sense, yes?
  9. Horselover fat

    Track cycling

    I don't watch sports really, but I do like some track cycling events. There are no velodromes here, but I'd love to have pint and watch people fly around the track. Look at how steep the banks on a velodrome can be! Would you ride that? Would you ride it 50kmh - 80kmh on a 200-250meter...
  10. Horselover fat

    Genetically Modified Organisms

    GM is not good or bad. It doesn't do anything. It can't do anything, because it's not something that can do things. Humans do things. Make a plant more nutritious. Yes. That is a good thing to do. Make plant produce toxins. That's bad. Make a plant resistant to pest and disease. Good if...
  11. Horselover fat

    Scorpion Diablo light stress at 50 percent

    Not sure what advice you want. Light stress doesn't mean too much light per se. It means the plant doesn't have it's other needs met. Light level is like a gas pedal and the engine needs fuel etc to keep at the speed set by the gas pedal. Either make your environment better or lower the light...
  12. Horselover fat

    Need help with LED choice.

    That's quite a bit of plant. Though not all fits the tent
  13. Horselover fat

    Need help with LED choice.

    790g in a 2*4? Got pics? That's more than I've heard anyone do so I would love to see it.
  14. Horselover fat

    What do you do when you grow too much weed?

    Some freeze, but jars keep for a couple of years just fine if stored in cool and out of light.
  15. Horselover fat

    What nutrients are you guys using

    Pretty irrelevant, but I use Canna nutes usually. Ridiculously expensive, yeah, but I still buy the small 1 litre bottles. I grow one or two grows per year and 20€ for more than a grow means very little in the end.
  16. Horselover fat

    Broke branch and was about to flip

    Extremely short nodes and a stocky plant is what I shoot for and I start lst very early to achieve that. You just need to remove more extra branches. Look at how they grow from the nodes and think about how to shape things. It will feel weird how much you have to remove, but you will get the...
  17. Horselover fat

    Cheap led lights I still don't know why though :D well there are the people who like to run led in summer and hps in winter...
  18. Horselover fat

    loose branch, mend or cut off ?

    You can try. You'll soon see if it works.
  19. Horselover fat

    What Are You Listening To?

    So young. I've never seen the cure live... They'll play here again this fall, but I'm not sure if I wabt to go see old and fat robert... Reminds me I'm getting old and fat :D
  20. Horselover fat

    Cheap led lights

    Maybe hps doesn't sell and they have some extra ballasts? :D Honestly, I have idea. It would be handy when changing over from hps to led if the leds worked with any digital hps ballast, but they seem adamant you only use the lumii black ballasts.