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  1. K

    Where did "breath" strains originate?

    I could see that, my ex wife and her family are from the Caribbean. With their accent "lambs breath" would sound more like "lambs bret". Especially the ones still from the mother land with the thick patois accent.
  2. K

    Jordan of the islands

    Just ordered God's Garlic Breath usually takes a couple weeks to get in. Will circle back here when it arrives.
  3. K

    Biden won

    Congratulations to America, finally leadership that you deserve. Happy for you. Back to growing
  4. K

    When to pull the pin on powdery mildew?

    I didnt realize PM isnt systemic, I always just assumed it was! Received the cuts from a friend and saw these little white dots inside the leaf and just assumed that was some kind of fungal infection. I'll hit the new moms with bordeaux mixture and serenade.
  5. K

    When to pull the pin on powdery mildew?

    That's not the entire story, I wouldn't be sitting there waiting for it to dissappear. Steps: 1. Cure the mother 2. Clone 3. Grow the clone 3 ft 4. Take new clone from upper growth Pretty sure if repeat this cycle 3 or 4 times the end result would have only minute traces. I'm just wondering...
  6. K

    When to pull the pin on powdery mildew?

    I have a meatbreath mother I want to save and regrow like this. Obviously I want zero eagle showing up in any clones' flower, how many clone/mother cycles does it take to completely get rid of a trace of eagle 20?
  7. K

    Any "Center" people here?

    I think if one is outside of America this is a valid question, but if you're an American, and plan to vote in the next 33 days you only have two choices. There is no in between option.
  8. K

    Would you have a problem with this kindergarten teacher?

    Maybe he did, but thats his problem and not the rest of society's. People make stupid decisions all the time that preclude them from future opportunities. For example, want to be a doctor? Be prepared to study 24/7 and have no life vs frat house partying. If you choose the frat house life...
  9. K

    Would you have a problem with this kindergarten teacher?

    My question is why did he get the tattoos if he wanted to become a kindergarten teacher? That not only seems to indicate poor judgement on his behalf, but also potential mental instability. That's at least two strikes, I'd have zero qualms transferring my kid into Mrs. Peabody's class.
  10. K

    doing veg/flower in solo cup

    I was able to do allright in a small tent like 2' x 2.5', 16 solo cups on a timed drip system. Even with light burn I still fine and it would have been much better if I was running 16 suitable identical clones.
  11. K

    Fluffy Buds!

    Raise your lights up. Lots of burning and foxtailing.
  12. K

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Have you heard of Dr Allison Justice? Read her paper on hard pruning, she too assumed what you do then she actually did a controlled experiment and found that shaded leaves use more energy than they generate from photosynthesis. Not to mention stiffle air flow. Its also common practice for...
  13. K

    Help have PM problem!!

    Here's what worked for me, and I live on the wet coast: Step 1: Potassium bicarbonate, neem oil, some natural soap as a surfactant. For me this has a lasting effect between 5 to 10 days. But I don't leave my plants in the rain ever anymore. Step 2: daily spot checks and removal of infected...
  14. K

    American Wildfires

    Climate change and hellfire, plague, rising sea levels and the antichirst is in power...oh oh. What's next?
  15. K

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    So you're saying PM is less toxic than a little soap and Neem?
  16. K

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    Why would he lose his harvest? I found Potassium Bicarbonate + Neem Oil works far better than H202. The Neem Oil works as a suffocant and the KHCO₃ kills the mold on contact. My backyard backs onto a greenbelt, the forest is literally covered in PM. This is first season in 3 years I'm going to...
  17. K

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    Cut out the infected leaves as best you can then hit it with a potassium bicarbonate, neem oil, dish soap solution, heavy spray not just a misting. Im sure some folks will say not during flower, but you don't have much to lose. After harvest bath them in an h2o2 solution and make bubble hash.
  18. K

    Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

    Its censored in the US? Thats fucked up. I remember during the Iraq wars the Bush clan had issues with them, I guess they never got over it. They seem pretty unbiased and report on things we don't typically hear about. Their mini documentaries are usually pretty interesting and insightful.