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  1. K

    Mass Medical Strains

    How does Putang smoke? Does it live up to the hype?
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    bodhi seeds

    Been watching this thread for months and finally decided to take the plunge: Time Bandit Soulmate Granola Funk DLA 10 Space Cake Babylon Buster Kinda feel like I shoulda gone Sky Lotus instead of Granola Funk, but let the Bodhi hoarding begin :D. I really want to pop the DLA 10 so thats...
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    Pls Help Coco w Gaia Green. Cant lose this crop!

    Pretty safe, hard to over water coco as long as your pots are letting the excess water escape. Flush away and just let it dry out before next water.
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    Not sure if I can still enter, but here's my solo cup setup. 16 cups, around 18 days into flower. It's a monstrosity of flora flex, garden droppers, basic pump, storage box reservoir and some wifi plugs I bought of amazon. I just setup the automated water yesterday and have it set to run three...
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    Pls Help Coco w Gaia Green. Cant lose this crop!

    Why are you using a slow release fertilizer with Coco? Might not be the best idea and its going to be hard to flush. You could keep flushing until it's all gone but then you'll have to switch to a regular fertilizer that's more appropriate for coco. At this point leave it and see if it...
  6. K

    BroScience Bullshit - Post here

    Someone once told me they supplemented their fertilizer with the seasoning from Mr Noodles packs and they had their best crop ever. But she was female so does it still count as bro science? She was also pretty hot so...Mr Noodles > Advanced Nutrients.
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    Masonic Seeds

    The man the myth the legend, Cannabis king of Compton, I follow him on IG and homie is too cool so I had too. There was a mix up on my first order and instead of sending me the 5 mix ups he threw in a shit ton of extra packs of probable fire so we will see soon enough. What should I run first...
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    Canopy Growth shutting two Canadian operations, more to come.

    Bro you and I both know the people who own and run those LPs probably haven't smoked a J in 20 years, if that. Those first LPs spent a fortune, the hired more than they needed, bought the most expensive lights they could and hung them 14' from the floor. Those folks are going bankrupt and at...
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    Canopy Growth shutting two Canadian operations, more to come.

    Because that's the cost of running a business. You can do it for less way less than a million if you're smart and depending on where you live. Rent, power, wages, water, taxes, QA etc that shit all costs money. Dont expect to grow out of a tent and sell out your backyard.
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    Cannarado genetics

    Lol yeah I was staring hard at that one, just didn't want another MAC cross, but had I known meat breath was involved....ended up getting Key Lime Squeeze and Peanut Brittle
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    You guys think this would outlight a DE 1000w Fixture?

    Nice light, but if I'm buying volume why not pay 150 to 250ish more and get a Fluence or Gavita?
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    Exactly what a Bernie bro would say and genuinely think.
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    I agree. I just think guys like Padawan could sabotage your election, that plus voter suppression in poor communities could be enough to lose it. The way it is now you're banking on enough malcontent republicans coming out to outweigh the butthurt Bernie bros who will sit at home.
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    Buddy I'm not a far left guy, I dont support Sanders type candidates in the US or their Canadian equivalents. I.e. I'm no socialist, I'm happy for you guys that Biden won the primaries. Alls im saying is the surest path to victory would be Sanders as VP. With the next best option being Warren...
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    No I just have basic common sense. But hey enjoy choosing between the lesser of two old senile molesters
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    Why because you dont like Sanders so you can't fathom how they could work together? You and I both know Sanders would be the optimal pick for VP, followed by Warren. Oh or you could just further alienate your left of center voter base/youth and hand Trump another election. A basic understanding...
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    How so? 4 years ago with Clinton, if they could have set their personal differences aside and worked together, Trump wouldn't even be a topic right now. Seems like basic logic and common sense. A Biden Sanders ticket would be unbeatable.
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    Yes, what I meant is that legacy is cult/legacy is alive and well, and it has repercussions. Bernie bros are like little kids, they need their daddy somewhere on the ballot before they can vote.
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    Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

    So why not just pick Sanders as VP and win in a landslide? Oh wait I know why, neither of them actually give two fucks about any of you. Just a battle between three old white men looking to build their personal legacy.
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    Wake Up!

    Lay off the edibles foo.