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  1. K

    Lockdowns don't work.

    So are you saying lockdowns don't flatten the curve to allow governments to treat patients within the health system's capacity level? Seems pretty reasonable to assume that they are effective at slowing the rate of spread. Also seems to be working up here in BC, and things should be start easing...
  2. K

    You know what would boost the economy...a war!

    Iran is pretty much the only non nuclear capable target left, so probably them.
  3. K

    Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

    Yep, the singularity is both potentially our salvation or our extinction. Scary stuff!
  4. K

    Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

    Don't worry it's the perfect setup for AI to efficiently manage humanity on reservations. It's coming!
  5. K

    Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems

    Isnt that what prisons are for? To remove people who are a threat to society and to protect the innocent. Fairly straightforward.
  6. K

    Being liberal.

    I think you meant to type "deplorable" not "adorable"
  7. K

    Canada vs USA during Covid-19 Pandemic

    Conservatives got 34% of the vote vs Liberals 33% Greens 6.5% and NDP 16%. Translation: the majority of Canadians lean left. If there were only two parties the Cons would never win an election in Canada again.
  8. K

    Boycott China.

    No, but it makes it easier to get treatment?
  9. K

    Canada vs USA during Covid-19 Pandemic

    Almost 60% of the population voted left. Less than 40% voted right, if we had only two parties Trudeau would have won the popular vote by a huge margin.
  10. K

    Boycott China.

    Sure the wet markets are an issue, and they should be banned, but that's just one way novel viruses can arise. Bill Gates warned the world 5 years ago to be ready. You should be more angry with global leadership, and your own government specifically for not taking the issue seriously. Especially...
  11. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    Yeah you are right, the opiod crisis is real and important to society as well, so is homelessness and hunger. No argument from me there. I should have said that covid 19 has the potential to impact more of the population than the opiod crisis if we let it. On the other hand if we just laid low...
  12. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    Explain how it's important instead of just saying "it's important." Classic. Nobody engineered the virus you dumb twat, just like no body engineered bubonic plague, small pox, spanish flu, polio, Ebola aids etc.
  13. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    Done sucking Trumps dick yet? What failure of open borders? We have had global pandemics throughout human history you dumb cunt.
  14. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    How does the the geographic location help you understand the "origin" of the disease. You just showed us how ignorant you and your kind are. Enlighten us all how "Chinese Virus" vs "Covid 19 or Novel Corona Virus" tells us more about the cross species origin and biology behind the disease? To a...
  15. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    So China engineered the Corona virus to cause a real estate crisis but at the same time collapse their economy, be unable to produce for months and have nobody to sell to? What exactly are you saying? That some people will make money during a downturn? No shit sherlock, but many more LOSE...
  16. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    The opioid crisis doesn't impact 99% of the population and never will. Covid 19 has a far greater i The opioid epidemic isnt infectious and doesnt impact 99% of the population. So yes I will be dismissive when people confuse completely unrelated matters and create dumb strawman arguments. Here...
  17. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    Yes please explain how the rich get richer when people aren't working, stocks are collapsing and nobody is buying goods and services except for hand sanitizer? The number of people dying from opiates and the flu is constant, the number of people dying and contracting Covid-19 the virus is...
  18. K

    MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

    Yeah it's a hoax right? Only 1000's of people dying a day, hospitals packed and the global economy in recession. How exactly are the rich getting richer with GDP underperforming by 30 to 50%. Cut back on the THC and load up on CBD, it will help with the conspiracy theories.
  19. K

    Canopy Growth closes cannabis stores in Canada

    You know they, meaning some, "irradiate" with radio waves right? I.e. the same food grade systems used for pretty much every other plant product you consume. Literally does nothing to terps, kind of like flushing. But hey if you like bro science, feel free to cling to it. Becoming an LP isnt...