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  1. B

    Might have started flushing to early?

    So I looked at my trichomes with a 40x and 60x magnifying glass and the trichomes looked all cloudy so I started to flush which I never usually flush so I thought I would try it this time. But now I have a stronger magnifying glass and it looks like most are cloudy but still have some clear so I...
  2. B

    Flushing plants for first time is this natural?

    I use flora nova and have always had good luck with it. I am growning 5 plants total but this one I’m having the issues with. Been giving it plain phd water that last three days.
  3. B

    Flushing plants for first time is this natural?

    Also any comments on my original question about the leaves?
  4. B

    Flushing plants for first time is this natural?

    These pics are from two weeks ago and not much has changed on the pistols but they have swollen up a lot more and more frosty. So I don’t know why the pistols are still looking the same. This is a 70-80 day plant at the most and is going on 3 months now. Maybe just bad genetics not sure.
  5. B

    Flushing plants for first time is this natural?

    So the strain is jack herer auto and is going on 3 months now from seed. I have grown it before and didn’t have any issues but this time it’s weird because there is not a lot of orange hairs mostly white and not a ton of white either but I checked the trichomes and all cloudy and buds are big on...
  6. B

    Flushing plants for first time is this natural?

    I’m on my 4th grow now and never flushed before harvesting so I thought I would try it this time. All my grows have come out amazing but this time it looked like it might of had some kind of deficiency but I figured with about two weeks left I would start flushing and leaves are looking worse...
  7. B

    Question about trichomes on my autoflower plant

    Another quick question. I have another grow tent and have 4 plants in it. I’ve noticed what seems to be a slight Nute deficiency on them so would it be ok to water them with just plain water for a day then go back to my watering with nutes again the next day?
  8. B

    Question about trichomes on my autoflower plant

    I have a jack herer auto flower plant that is almost 2 months old. It is looking real good and colas are starting to fill in real nice but I’m not noticing a lot of trichomes on them and it has me worried. I have grown this same strain before but didn’t really pay attention on how long it took...
  9. B

    Watering question?

    My plants are going on three months old and are flowering. I have noticed looks to be some nutrient deficiency on some of them so my question is is can I give them straight water for a day or two to see if it helps then go back to water with nutrients? My guess is that they have 2-4 weeks left...
  10. B

    Super cropping auto flower plants?

    I’m on my 3rd grow now and still learning a lot. My question is have any of you ever super cropped and auto flower plant. If so how did it turn out and when is a good time to do it on the plant. Should you do it during veg or can you super crop during flowering. Look forward to hearing your...
  11. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    Here is a pic of the one I have in the 5x5 tent.
  12. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    We’ll I have two tents in there one is 5x5 and the other is 3x3 and the exhaust is not ran out the window or anything so I bet that is why the room is getting so hot. It’s like at 90 degrees in the tent so I leave the tent open partially while the lights are on. So I think I just need to figure...
  13. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    Should I add another inline fan? I have one in there now.
  14. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    I would put 4-5 lights in there but how do you keep the temps down in the tent?
  15. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    Also another good note is that I started with just one of the 600W lights with 4 plants and I had a good yield of around 2-3 ounces per plant but needed more light in there and even two of them doesn’t seem like it reaches around the edges.
  16. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    So here is a pic of the inside of my tent and the main reason that I would like to have two more lights is to fill up the whole space of the tent with light. It just seems with the two lights that I have it doesn’t reach the edges all the way around.
  17. B

    How much light is to much in a grow tent

    Hi I have a 5x5 grow tent and I have two 600W VIPARSPECTRA grow lights in there now. If I added two more would it be to much for that tent or would the tent get to hot in there for the plants? Because right now it seems like the temperature is running a little high in there and just wanted your...
  18. B

    Super cropping auto flower plants

    I’m on my 3rd grow now and still learning a lot. My question is have any of you ever super cropped and auto flower plant. If so how did it turn out and when is a good time to do it on the plant. Should you do it during veg or can you super crop during flowering. Look forward to hearing your...
  19. B

    Question about lighting

    Thank you for your reply’s this has helped me a lot and definitely going to add it to the tent tonight. Seems like a small part of the tent doesn’t have a lot of light on one side and I wanted to add this so there is plenty of light for the lady’s lol
  20. B

    Question about lighting

    Sorry I should have specified a little more. In my 5x5 tent I have two 600w led lights in there and want to add the 300w light to it also. But it seems to be a little different color on the lights between each other and just didn’t know if it would effect anything negatively if there are two...