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  1. EliteCultivation

    Spider farmer sf4000 **HELP NEEDED**

    Good to hear, thank you for your wisdom!
  2. EliteCultivation

    Spider farmer sf4000 **HELP NEEDED**

    Does anyone have experience with this light? I would like to know how hot it actually gets in a 4x4 tent. I will be running a 6" inline fan with 440CFM and a carbon filter. my ambient temperature outside of tent is 68F, does anyone know what temps I can expect to see inside of my tent? I'm...
  3. EliteCultivation

    PH AT 0000

    Re calibrate pH pen and retry..
  4. EliteCultivation

    Find myself here yet again.. leafs turning lime green

    Start your autoflowers in their final container, you shouldn't transplant them. Other than that they don't look to bad. Good luck!
  5. EliteCultivation

    Plant problems

    Watering until run-off once a day is your issue, Slow your roll and let them roots breathe. Make sure your soil is nice and dry before watering next, You and your girls will be much happier.
  6. EliteCultivation

    Pistils vs trichomes

    Depends. Pics please.
  7. EliteCultivation

    I can’t tell which nutrient problems I have

    Do you pH your water? If not start doing so.
  8. EliteCultivation

    Not given up. Well here's a update.

    Lol good luck man!
  9. EliteCultivation


    They are ok for veg but I still prefer LED. Take care!
  10. EliteCultivation

    Brown spots

    Looks good. How's everything going?
  11. EliteCultivation

    My outdoor grow

    Hey I'm on your side. @grayeyes is the one hating on indoor growers lol
  12. EliteCultivation

    My outdoor grow

    HAHAHA, funny guy. Your outdoor will never and could never compare to anything I grow indoors. If outdoor is such good quality tell me why all the major cannabis production facilities grow indoor? Hmmm. Just saying man. Good luck with the outdoor dirt weed:spew:
  13. EliteCultivation

    My outdoor grow

    This is definitely not the truth. If your outdoor climate is flawless you may get nearly the same quality, but honestly what are the chances of that?
  14. EliteCultivation

    Please help me

    bạn phải tìm trên mạng Hãy thử amazon vì họ nên có những gì bạn cần.
  15. EliteCultivation

    What did I do?

    Get your pH down to about 6.3 so the roots can properly intake the nutrients.
  16. EliteCultivation

    Is my buddy an idiot?

    He's right though. As long as you use a neutral water you shouldn't have to screw around with it.
  17. EliteCultivation

    My outdoor grow

    Those are beautiful and look very healthy! Size will not affect quality, it all comes down to how it was grown. Your father must be an excellent farmer, what fertilizers did he tell you to use?