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  1. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Calmag was just purchased regardless. I want these girls to turn out the best they can and I just got done reading the magnesium is what really promotes photosynthesis and growth so I don’t want to mitigate those two things. Will be here Sunday, hoping they don’t get to bad till then. @Hust17...
  2. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Now thinking about it today. My question is, how do plants in the wild survive then? There not getting adequate light, temperature, wind, and especially nutrients. I’m giving them more then they ever would normally and there’s a deficiency. Not even with my plants, I guess this is a broad...
  3. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    I didn't think so either from all the pictures out there. I think I may buy a bottle and add next feeding to serif it helped. I have been having semi low temps and semi high humidity. 72/74 degrees F & 55-65% humidity.
  4. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    That was my first thought, I moved the lights earlier this morning
  5. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Whats distilled water have to do? and no just the general hydroponics nuts
  6. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    I don't, I may order it depending on responses here
  7. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    What are you doing about it? I’ve been following the measurements to a key from General Hydroponics (floragro/micro/bloom)
  8. Rhodes55

    Nutrient burn, deficiency, Lightburn, or what?

    I noticed the color change on the 1st so I did a complete flush, didn’t seem to help. What do I have here? Nutrient burn, deficiency, Lightburn, or what? Only 1 plant is showing these signs, so very weird.
  9. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    1/3/20 - LED off for y’all. We also have a problem, I noticed the color change on the 1st so I did a complete flush, didn’t seem to help. What do I have here? Nutrient burn, deficiency, Lightburn, or what? Only 1 plant is showing these signs, so very weird
  10. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    1/1/20 - Girls are doing great. Added another hanging bulb contraption. Expecting them to be done EOM.
  11. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    12/23/19 - Grabbed a couple pics today. Family’s in town for the holidays so probably not much updates this next week. Girls are looking fantastic no signs of any deficiencies or burn. Continuing to feed full ripe & bloom formula every 3 days.
  12. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Today’s officially 2 weeks into flower! I’m thinking of buying some pvc and making a System where the water disperses evenly to each plant.
  13. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    12/17/19 - Nothing major, pretty much on autopilot. Got a couple more bamboo sticks in there to help support the smaller branches that weren’t getting light. Also cut a couple more what would be popcorn bud sites off, really only looking for top light colas. Watering is getting difficult for the...
  14. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Ah gotcha, that’s where the ph issue was. That’s why I like distilled, I bought a ph kit before the grow and haven’t had to touch it. The distilled is fantastic. But same watering 3/4 days I give nuts 3 times then a flush, then 3 times, then a flush, etc...
  15. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Still look great man! What do you use for your watering base? Like I use Walmart distilled water.
  16. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Thanks man! Can’t wait to see some real buds now. Can you link your grow here? I can’t seem to navigate back to it even when I thought I hit follow. This site confuses me.
  17. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Nope. Don’t want the pollen either. Just had other guys on here saying I could still be a female and I really don’t know. So I’m leaving it for the full first 2 weeks of flower (17th) then from there I’ll get rid of it completely.
  18. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    Since I haven’t mentioned anything about conditions and a couple people have commented about air flow. The room stays completely open so my house circulates the 74 degree air initially keeping a consistent temp now. (Warmed back up in FL) I have a turbo fan that you’ll see on the floor blowing...
  19. Rhodes55

    Indoor 600W LED - NY Sour Diesel - Manifold - Detailed & Links

    12/14/19 - Major update. Been waiting for a day to do all this. Finally maximized my space getting the plants tucked in the back corner (they’ll have wall support as the colas grow) Got all the plants rearranged and positioned so every single colas/growth site is exposed. It’s funny how they...
  20. Rhodes55

    What sex?
