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  1. BAMS

    Spider Mites Help

    Have you tried making an air inlet prefilter box? could be coming in from your fresh air intake. Another option in your war against mites is possibly to use biological method...i.e. Ladybugs or other similar predators, not sure where your from but in Australia we have 2 companies that I know of...
  2. BAMS

    quick germination question

    Use the damp paper towel method as Terry mentioned
  3. BAMS

    Spider Mites Help

    I have had only 1 mite attack since I have started growing. I don't really have a recipe to sell, but what I did after that attack and have done since then is all on going preventative measures. First off I have one of those Automatic bug sprayers at the entrance of my grow room that hangs up...
  4. BAMS

    How much more will it cost me to run a 400W CFL?

    400w CFL? sorry had to be like the others, but really never seen or heard of 400w 400w in a PC case, LMFAO. the heat extraction coming from that case to rid of the heat is gonna give away the whole steath thing
  5. BAMS

    Power outage help

    opening the door isn't going to be intense enough to make any difference or to trick them in their cycle
  6. BAMS

    Power outage help

    For a power outage I would be more stressed about the grow room rather than the flower room. The reason I say this is because a power outage in most cases is only for a few hours up to a 24 hours. If the power outage is any longer than this then there are more problems on your hand than your...
  7. BAMS

    Can you LST and SCROG a autoflower strain?

    There is no "one-way" as the internet is full of innovative ideas. What I do is a 4' x 4' square for soil or coco, or a 5' x 5' for DWC, made out of PVC with self tapping screws every 4 inches all the way around, and then I weave some bright coloured builders string back and forth between the...
  8. BAMS

    First ever grow journal

    Nothing new today, just checked them from their early transition and took the lids off of their humid domes and all looks good. I will give them a weak feeding tomorrow of Advanced Nutrient Sensi Grow (Left over from my previous grows, I will be using mostly General Hydroponics Flora 3part...
  9. BAMS

    First ever grow journal

    Okay, here it goes, my first ever grow journal. Not even a private journal has been hand written about any grow I have done. I guess I was always about keeping the paper trail to a minimum and don't write shit down. Now with laws changing at the blink of an eye and this great hobby vastly taking...
  10. BAMS

    new to indoor growing. any suggestions?

    those areas are horizontal scrogs, sorry forgot to mention that and with those listed techniques you can get a really fruitful scrog
  11. BAMS

    Drain away systems vs pots/saucers

    Yeah I was just bringing that up because with that efficiency sort of makes this thread irrelevant for the most part being that's pretty damn good even with 1000watt, if he is running 600 watt lights well that's just awesome
  12. BAMS

    new to indoor growing. any suggestions?

    Hey bigfrog, with a good sativa strain and in coco you can fill a 4' X 4' area with the right training, if you DWC with the same plant you can fill a 5' X 5' area...again its all about the training, fimming, LST and supercropping
  13. BAMS

    I have finally popped my head above the water

    cool, thought I was blind and missing something...all good thanks
  14. BAMS

    Drain away systems vs pots/saucers

    1.5-2 pounds per light?....are you saying your getting 2 pounds of dry bud per light? if so what watt lights? even if your running 1000 watt HPS, that's pretty damn efficient being 0.896 grams per watt
  15. BAMS

    I have finally popped my head above the water

    how do you "like" someones post on this forum?
  16. BAMS

    I have finally popped my head above the water

    first journal is going to be rather intense I imagine, I am renovating the grow/bloom site, so the rebuild will most likely be all or partly inclusive of my journal. I am being lazy right now and not transfering the photos I have taken so far of my clone area and the 3 clones to start this...
  17. BAMS

    Can you LST and SCROG a autoflower strain?

    There are a few methods you can do to get into scrog, the step by steps and technical details of any method will be too long to mention. You can veg into your screen or you do the method that I do, I do fimming and topping, LST/Supercropping all through the veg period and then move the girl into...
  18. BAMS

    Second grow attempt

    I agree with both sides here, and hard to steer me down one path or the other. For a moderately experienced grower to advanced grower I completely agree that growing bag seed is a complete waste of time and resources, but for the 1st or 2nd time grower using bag seed is a great educational tool...
  19. BAMS

    HEllo from nelson NZ!!!

    I don't grow Autos, but from my readings over the years HPS all the way as they are pretty much in the flower stage straight away that you want the red spectrum that is associated with HPS. The wattage depends on how many plants you want to grow in one area, what your fresh air exchange is like...
  20. BAMS

    New grower needs help ASAP

    If you get the problem sorted you will get some bud off of it, but probably not its full potential 600w is best bang for the buck, but 400w don't hurt at all.