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  1. F

    Contact your congressional representatives about Trump's abusive police tactics in Portland and elsewhere.

    These women are a disgrace to Moms everywhere. Try raising your kids like a real parent. Teach them to be respectful to others and to GO TO WORK. When they get out of line give them the wooden spoon. These women are the very reason are cities are being destroyed. Nobody taught these self...
  2. F

    On this day:

    I took a massive shit
  3. F

    To late for neem oil?

    Yes on both. I'm just paranoid LOL. First outdoor grow and they're doing great. I dont want to loose them if I get a cool wet fall and thought being proactive at this point can't hurt. How often does it get applied and is it true it stays in the plant during flower to help ward off WPM...
  4. F

    To late for neem oil?

    outdoor plants havent started flowering yet but I think I'm getting close within a couple weeks I have zero bugs as I sprayed my yard (not plants) I know you shouldn't use Neem oil while flowering but I read it stays in the plant if you use it during veg. My concern is white powdery mildew...
  5. F

    Heart Stopping Headline: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is...

    She actually requested to stay alive brain dead to the end of a calendar year? You must be making that up LOL. If not I've officially heard it all.
  6. F

    Heart Stopping Headline: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is...

    This thread is a week old. Did she die yet?
  7. F

    Contact your congressional representatives about Trump's abusive police tactics in Portland and elsewhere.

    Everyone else calls them criminals.....because that's what they are
  8. F

    Contact your congressional representatives about Trump's abusive police tactics in Portland and elsewhere.

    Great idea. I'll call my local rep and tell them to send troops to New York and every other city that's being trashed by dickheads......thanks for the tip
  9. F

    Droopy leaves

    I saw a Youtube video where they said to use 10% of pot size gives the correct water/nute feeding. Seems to be working with my plants
  10. F

    Droopy leaves

    Mine are in a black pot in the sun. I put a piece of insulation board in front of the pot and the pot is not hot on a 92 deg heat wave for 3 days. I have one plant that gets droopy. The top 6 inch of every branch sags over. Mostly after watering with nutes. I just watered with straight water...
  11. F

    Is the Blue Lab Truncheon worth the $96?

    I've had my Trungean sitting in the basement for 10 years. I bought it used on Ebay all the way back then. I just started using it again. I bought the 2.7 EC test kit. It was reading a dot low even after cleaning so I just adjust my figure It does seem to bounce around with the numbers...
  12. F

    this is a felony.

    I thought you meant the violent scum of the life "protesters" in Portland....please continue Oh, and we need more of these people standing up to the shithead arsonist destroying this country. Come near my house and expect the it should be
  13. F

    Bloom boosters: BS or Necessity?

    Teddy is fighting over pot thats funny Time to walk away buddy. Your messing up a good thread
  14. F

    Ph soil mistake

    How are you testing PH. Any cheap PH meter isnt worth the plastic its made out of. THey are notoriously off by a lot. Messing with PH without REALLY knowing what it is, is a recipe for disaster. If you really want to know the PH of your soil send it to a lab. My local town does it for $5...
  15. F

    I pity Joe Biden

    I'ts not right to pity Biden. It's not his fault he has dementia cant function or speak. He likes it when little boys rub his hairy legs and sit on his lap while sniffing them but that's normal in his pedophile world. He's not looking for your pity as he enjoys it
  16. F

    What did you accomplish today?

    Nothing.....worked on my boat all day trying get one single bolt out that they chose to build the boat around.... And never got it out