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  1. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    I am offering you a personal apology. I went after you personally about your links. That is unacceptable. I have a deep loathing for people that post personal attacks on a forum because they disagree..disagree on a topic is fine but personal attacks makes you a scumbag...and that was me. We are...
  2. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    I'm not trying to be jerk....I'm really not. But you have political links as your tag lines. Wouldnt it be better to have something related to weed on a weed site and save the political links for a political site that this is not...seems a tad extreme and deperite...peace
  3. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    It's got nothing to do with running for office. If we're going to start suboening gov't employees than that trickles down to every teacher, small town worker and garbage man paid for by's MY money paying YOUR salary.....I have a right to know all your personal finances.....its...
  4. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    so anyone that hires an accountant is lying? Really? It's called using the system to your the 20 million people collecting unemployment benefits right now that are able to working the system
  5. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    Thats fine but where's your full tax return for the world to see? Plenty of town state and federal workers paid for by the tax paying people of this country.....where is the cry for ALL of their tax returns.....Every teacher, every local guy working for the town asked to give up their tax...
  6. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    Actually most people try to save as much money as possible on taxes. Thats why they hire an accountant....sorta like if you hit Lotto. If you hit mega millions lotto and didnt get a lawyer and a damn good account to try to save as much money as humanly possible you would we the dumbest person in...
  7. F

    Do outdoor plants really double in size during flower

    Mine are 5 feet tall and 14 nodes but the branches are thin and looks a bit spindly . Will they really thicken up and grow that much more when they start to flower in a few weeks?
  8. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    I dont think ANYONE should have their tax returns made public. That is private information that should stay private. Everyone looks for the best way to save money on their taxes otherwise they;re an idiot. Anyone who feels differently feel free to post YOUR tax return right here on this forum...
  9. F

    Help! Home inspector and appraising issues.

    It's in a tent correct? They cant open the tent just like they can't open your wifes panty drawer. I'm going with non issue but I get the nerves. And I wouldnt break anything down. You'll obviously have a scheduled time for them to come in the house. Stick the pant outside somewhere safe from...
  10. F

    Help! Home inspector and appraising issues.

    The inspector wont care. He's working for YOU. They are there for roof leaks and circuit breakers. Whats in your house is irrelevant. Same with the appraisal. Whats in your house that your taking with you has no bearing on value. They do however take pictures that they put in the report. If...
  11. F

    Low EC in soil after ferts... are soil tests accurate

    Nobody checks there soil EC?? Wondering if I should add more nutes till EC comes up or first signs of nute burn
  12. F

    Seedlings in ocean forest?

    I used OF from seed. Worked fine
  13. F

    First time grow, Plz help? Any advice?

    Curious how its to hot if you can test the water nute solution for EC/ppm before adding to plants? It can be made as weak as needed
  14. F

    Low EC in soil after ferts... are soil tests accurate

    I have 2 outdoor plants. They are about 5 feet tall in 27 gallon containers. 2 1/2 months old. I've only fed them once a month ago. They seem to be doing ok but they seem a little lime green so I thought I would give them a good watering with ferts I mixed up some all purpose fertilizer 18 18...
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    Soil ph level.

    A cheap PH meter is useless and does more harm than good....send your soil to a lab or dont mess with it
  16. F

    USA breeders that are respectable?

    I just ordered from DC seed bank. I'm on the East coast and they were here in a few days. THey were Humbolt seed brand in a vile and only 3 of 6 germinated, still have 4 more for another grow. Cant say its DC seeds fault as they're just the middle man but everything with DC went smoother than...
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    LST side branches questions

    First question, is it necessary on an outdoor plant? I'm thinking yes to get the lower bud sites more light/bigger buds Should I try to get them horizontal/level or on a 30 deg type angle? Bottom branches are already about 30 inches and still have at least a month of veg before it starts to...
  18. F

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Well....there is this one place in Seattle that has been taken over by domestic Democratic terrorists. They have actual demands, you know, like terrorists. They also just happen to be the same demands the entire Democratic party is always asking for
  19. F

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Trump 2020. Unless of course you support domestic Democratic terrorists
  20. F

    What insect is this?

    Great thank you. Looks like Neem oil or spinosad is what I need to kill those