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  1. 40below

    What you think? Flower now?

    I think for my first grow not to bad. Definitely learned a few things. She looked a little rough around the edges at the end but I think the buds will be good!! Cutting her tomorrow.
  2. 40below

    Neutron star lab.

    Need lighting for about 8 plants. Was checking these out but can't really find anything on them. Anyone have experience with these.
  3. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    Update. Here are a few shots of the buds. A few at the top are huge. Maybe 6" long and 1-1/2 thick. Happy with my first grow. I think I will try my hand at a larger grow now that it's legal here. Thanks for the help!!
  4. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    Update. Hit with some calmag and some npk. Just two days and looking much better. Thanks. I'll post som pics in a few days when she's looking good again.
  5. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    Lol. Right on. Sounds like a plan to me! Thanks!
  6. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    Thanks for the replies. I am growing peppermint kush (Barney) in soil. Using well water. I let my water sit for a few days before using it. As far as testing for nutes I have no meter. I plan on growing more in the future but only after I build my shop. My wife isn't down with the weed smell in...
  7. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    From what I read you should quit using about two weeks before harvest. Not sure really how to tell when that 2 weeks is. Lol.
  8. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    Cool site. Thanks !
  9. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    Right on. Hopefully can turn this around. Went out of town and had it on auto pilot. Thanks.
  10. 40below

    First time harvest problem!!!!! Help!!

    So my leaves are getting brown spots and dying. A lot of them. I'm into my 5th week of flower and not sure what is going on. I have used almost no nutes up to this point but have been using a blooming nute since the spots have popped up. My hairs are starting to turn color a little and I think...
  11. 40below


    So about two weeks ago I noticed a leaf had some rusty brown spots all over it. Didn't worry too much. Added some nutes. Haven't been paying much attention to it lately as my work schedule has been hectic. Notice a few more today and a few were even dead or dying. About 2nd week into flower. Any...
  12. 40below

    Alright. What next?!

    Yeah I can raise the light. It's about 12" now. So I'll just let it ride. Thanks for the replies.
  13. 40below

    Alright. What next?!

    So I put this into flower about a week ago and the last few days it is blowing up. Do I need to cut anything back? Let it ride or what?
  14. 40below


    Right on. Thanks.
  15. 40below


    So I read a lot about keeping a mother?? I kinda get it. For cloning I suppose. I have this big beautiful plant. It has been in flower now for about a week. Should I have kept it in veg and cloned it? Just curious how all that works. Thanks.
  16. 40below

    Yellowing blotches.

    I'm slowly getting the hang of growing this stuff. I appreciate all the feedback I get here. The leaves are slowly getting these yellow spot on them. Any ideas?
  17. 40below

    How to tell gender

    Hahahaha. That's some funny shit!
  18. 40below

    i think she is ready to flower?

    I'm alway open for ideas. I am about to start another 12 in a few weeks. Thinking about going to Hydo. What you got?
  19. 40below

    i think she is ready to flower?

    Right now I have one going into flower. 10 more in about 3-4 weeks. I only have about 2k for lights and need enough light for about 10. Everything I have read T5's work well with a little work. I also have about 10 t8's. I think those are only good for veg.
  20. 40below

    Wife watered my plant!!!

    Hahaha!! I won't tell her that!