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  1. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    Sigh. see4 cleaned my clock. Right. You're wrong on just a few points. Like all of them. After Glass-Steagall was revoked and signed into law by Clinton in 1999, Greenspan, Rubin, and Lawrence Summers (chief proponents of killing G-S) next promoted a bill that prohibited the regulation of...
  2. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    Dude, it's the Federal Reserve's data. All you did was strip out the 18-25 and 55-70 year olds. Lol, projecting: But really, I get it. I looked up some of your other posts. Someone has to be the site buffoon. No hard feelings. You're doing a great job and I value your efforts...
  3. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    As I said, this isn't some sporting event to me. I don't have a "team". I'm an American. I get that Obama is your guy. I was pulling for him, too. It's a shame he's been so ineffectual. But so have the other Democrats and Republicans. And now look at our choices: it's down to a buffoon, a...
  4. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    For someone who makes judgements about another's reading comprehension you sure have a hard time stringing together a cogent sentence. ^^^ makes no sense. I attempted to puzzle out what you were trying to say by referring to some annotation on the original FRED chart you cite, but no dice...
  5. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    They take all of these guys out of the unemployment rate calculation, too. In some counties in the South, 25% are "disabled", mostly with back or psychological diagnoses. The whole thing is rigged.
  6. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    While you can register and save queries and plots, I didn't run them ^^^ myself. It's the typical pissing-contest graphic posted on Zero Hedge. I did check out their veracity, though. You can duplicate them yourself if you use the same time range but just recreating them to include the 4Q2015...
  7. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    Ok I'm boarding, see y'all later.
  8. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    Uhh...I voted for him too, but only once. And I think you're forgetting the midterms. From the Federal Reserve Economics Database (FRED). Check it out sometime, it's pretty fascinating.
  9. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    You do understand that capitalism isn't a zero sum game? If I make $1 it doesn't mean someone else lost a dollar. Well, sometimes it does if I steal a sale from a competitor, but it doesn't have to. The money supply inexorably grows as the economy becomes more efficient and productivity...
  10. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    It was pretty clear that was addressing Padawan's unemployed college grad "lazy meme" but ok, I'll bite. You don't get to throw up straw men. Weak. I understand fully well that billions don't have the opportunities that a huge number of Americans piss away. To whit: I note that you've...
  11. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    I started a biz to employ veterans...making and installing bed-lofting kits for college students who had loan money burning a hole in their pocket. I just capitalized the startup, kicked it off, lent advice, and backed away. They made it succeed. (They paid me back in two years.) They in turn...
  12. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    Answer the question. How do you personally improve the lot of the downtrodden and unemployed? No, everyone is not lazy. Huge swaths of highly motivated, hard working, good people don't even get a chance. Billions. Most don't live in the US, though. If they're not lazy, all these unemployed...
  13. W

    The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

    So how do you express your compassion and empathy? Just curious how you're helping save the world. And yes, the system sucks when working behind a Hertz customer service counter requires a college degree. Total BS. But the current generation has bought into the game hook, line, and sinker...