Well-Known Member
A more accurate representation
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A drop from ~83.2% to ~81.0% in labor force participation among the working demographic.
The labor force participation rate represented in as a whole, includes ALL census accrued individuals, represented by the far lower statistical charting as show in the comment above. eg. The truthiness of the aforementioned chart is skewed.
For someone who makes judgements about another's reading comprehension you sure have a hard time stringing together a cogent sentence. ^^^ makes no sense.
I attempted to puzzle out what you were trying to say by referring to some annotation on the original FRED chart you cite, but no dice. Please try again. Hint: if "ALL census accrued" individuals were in your chart's denominator it would look vastly different. It definitely excludes 18-24 year olds, 55-70 year olds, and almost certainly the "economically inactive" (the definition of which is fluid, btw; mine excludes those as well).
Lol, we all don't live in our parents' basements until age 25 or comfortably retire at age 54. The "truthiness" (lord, how I hate doublespeak, say fucking "neener, neener", it's what you really meant anyway) of both charts is in the eye of the beholder and yours is the one excluding the two tranches with the highest unemployment and lowest participation rates. Even so, the chart you cite documents the lowest labor force participation in 35 years. Yippee. And a bonus! You demonstrated how to massage the unemployment rate!
Take the number employed with cumulative hours >=40 (I'll spot you two part-time jobs of 20 hours each--to avoid ACA thresholds--as one full-time job) and divide it by the number of adults > 18. It's the only intellectually honest figure. Don't strip out the legitimate or scamming disabled as if they don't exist, or some inconvenient cohort or two that skews the data in an inconvenient direction, and don't count as "employed" some poor slob pulling 11 hours a week and trying to support a family of 4.
This isn't a sporting event where you root for the Cubbies even when they suck. It's deadly serious stuff, and you have to look at things objectively. Recognize that the government lies to you, regardless of whether your team is in office or not. Hold their feet to the fire and don't give up.