The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

Obama was a neighborhood organizer, a college professor, and a senator with no real business experience. Clinton was a life long politician. Bush's family came from oil but I am not sure what either of them did outside the political realm.

At least Trump has proven himself in the business community. He gets things done on time and on budget and he is obviously a great negotiator. I will be the first to admit there are a lot of downsides to trump but he can negotiate, he can reach across the table and make deals.

Bernie seems like a political animal just like the former presidents and they didnt get much done.

I think out of all the current candidates that Trump might actually be able to work better with congress and the senate than all the others combined.

If you are such a Bernatic, explain to me what he brings to the table that would make me want to vote for him.

P.S. Aint into class envy and trillions of dollars of expenses in 'free' shit....
Dude if your looking for a political discourse on a marijuana growers site you need to really look elsewhere. And if your looking for an argument iam not playing your game. Just go back in your basement....grow some killer buds and stay away from the voting booths come November. Your out of your league. And read some books or something for heavens sake.

Do you not know that this is the politics forum?
Did you get lost?
Obama was a neighborhood organizer, a college professor, and a senator with no real business experience.

obolma was a guest lecturer. Its a way the left helped him to make money as he never had a real job, it also gave him a chance to practise speaking using his spin. 2/3rds of the students thought he was bad.

It goes like this professor, assistant professor, teacher a teacher would have a degree in teaching, obolma doesn't, than guest lecturer, who can be anyone at all even if they never went to school.
obolma was a guest lecturer. Its a way the left helped him to make money as he never had a real job, it also gave him a chance to practise speaking using his spin. 2/3rds of the students thought he was bad.

It goes like this professor, assistant professor, teacher a teacher would have a degree in teaching, obolma doesn't, than guest lecturer, who can be anyone at all even if they never went to school.

He also won the Nobel Peace Prize... LOL!!!
Obama was a neighborhood organizer, a college professor, and a senator with no real business experience. Clinton was a life long politician. Bush's family came from oil but I am not sure what either of them did outside the political realm.

At least Trump has proven himself in the business community. He gets things done on time and on budget and he is obviously a great negotiator. I will be the first to admit there are a lot of downsides to trump but he can negotiate, he can reach across the table and make deals.

Bernie seems like a political animal just like the former presidents and they didnt get much done.

I think out of all the current candidates that Trump might actually be able to work better with congress and the senate than all the others combined.

If you are such a Bernatic, explain to me what he brings to the table that would make me want to vote for him.

P.S. Aint into class envy and trillions of dollars of expenses in 'free' shit....
