The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

Ted Cruz rips the affordable care act (what fox news watchers call Obamacare) up and down. Secretly he just enrolled his wife and family up in the program. Sarah Palin snorts coke off of 55 gallon oil drums. Has a one night stand in her sisters dorm room with former NBA star Glen Rice. Has another affair with husbands former snowmobile dealership partner.....ending a life long friendship and lucrative business. Woody Guthrie said Trumps father (Guthries landlord) was a heartless dickhead. These people got you all brainwashed. They never have....and never will give one fuck about you and yours. You all get fired up from watching some speeches on network news stations....thats all. And its all complete bullshit. Trump is no outsider. Hes a carnival barker. Hes not a solution...hes a symptom of a brainless public who is desperate for real change in thier lives for the better and are not bright enough to know when they are being conned into a vote.
And you lassiz faire capitalism Ayn Rand "everyman is a rugged individual" libertarian types need to wake the fuck up. Ive been where your at. For years. Its a flawed ideaology. Koch Brothers (who are big proponents of this retarded pholilosophy) shut down a Weyerhauser plant in Gaylord Michigan a few years back because one of the brothers literally said the hourly worker made too much money (about 16 $ an hour). The plant was making money too. Nope they shut it down and moved it to the deep south to take advantage of the cheaper wages and squeeze a little more profit. So one of them could buy a slightly bigger yacht. Eventually they even shit that one down i believe and moved operations to Asia. My buddy worked at that plant for 13 years. No warning either. He lost his house and moved in with his parents. Still there. Some Ayn Rand capitalism there huh? That shit doesnt work. And will not ever as long as the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. In a libertarian world within 50 years you would have peasents and huge landowners that control it all. Nothing free about using big money and power to acquire more of it because its an uneven playing field from the start. Notice the lack of decent livable wage jobs and the state of organized labor in this country? See a correlation? Organized labor created a better life for working people in this nation. Bottom line end of story. You have to fight these rich greedy dicks everywhere you can and never give up. Now we are an 8.00$ an hour "service" economy. Thanks to the bought politicians you dumbasses are about to vote for. Thats something you armchair fox news tards cant seem to understand. CNN is no better. They suck Hillary's snatch to the tune of 480,000$ campaign contribution. Probably more. Thats just the number we got publicly. They have a vested interest in seeing her ass in the white house. . Your getting fukt by politician shuck and jivers bought by a very small very wealthy group of people that would rather see you die because you have no value to them and are using up there resources. Thats the ugly hidden truth about real republicans and the democrat good ole boy network in Washington. Trump....please. That guy is the biggest douchebag in the history of the world. Go lay down fool.
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Ted Cruz rips the affordable care act (what fox news watchers call Obamacare) up and down. Secretly he just enrolled his wife and family up in the program. Sarah Palin snorts coke off of 55 gallon oil drums. Has a one night stand in her sisters dorm room with former NBA star Glen Rice. Has another affair with husbands former snowmobile dealership partner.....ending a life long friendship and lucrative business. Woody Guthrie said Trumps father (Guthries landlord) was a heartless dickhead. These people got you all brainwashed. They never have....and never will give one fuck about you and yours. You all get fired up from watching some speeches on network news stations....thats all. And its all complete bullshit. Trump is no outsider. Hes a carnival barker. Hes not a solution...hes a symptom of a brainless public who is desperate for real change in thier lives for the better and are not bright enough to know when they are being conned into a vote.

Bernie Sanders has spent his whole life creating political red tape... Trump has accomplished things. His buildings come in finished on time and on budget. He is a billionaire that can negotiate with the toughest people Bernie Sanders is a wimp who cant stand up to 2 radical women at a rally.

Trump would walk all over Sanders in a debate and it wouldnt be pretty.... Think about Sanders vs Putin.... ROFLMAO!!!
Wow....just fukin wow. Ive heard this bullshit word for word from so many people. I bet u use that overused word libtard too dont ya? Find out yourself why YOU support Trump and do some investigating and form some original opinions on the candidates....not just what youve heard and spout out like a fukin recording.
Wow....just fukin wow. Ive heard this bullshit word for word from so many people. I bet u use that overused word libtard too dont ya? Find out yourself why YOU support Trump and do some investigating and form some original opinions on the candidates....not just what youve heard and spout out like a fukin recording.

I think you need a time out ;]
So how do you express your compassion and empathy? Just curious how you're helping save the world.

And yes, the system sucks when working behind a Hertz customer service counter requires a college degree. Total BS. But the current generation has bought into the game hook, line, and sinker. The economy is screaming for welders, CNC machine tool operators, HVAC, electric utility linemen, etc. They're good jobs that you can raise a family on. The IBEW and many employers will pay for training but there are very few takers, mostly because you need a modicum of high school trigonometry and pshhh...who had time for that, right? Pass the blunt.

I'm in the 1% and nobody gave me shit. I dug ditches and piloted a school bus while I went to night school and learned programming. I've built and sold three tech companies and I've never paid off a politician or made a single buck off the backs of the poor, starving proletariat. There are thousands like me. I know a guy who's as rich as God and he got his start hanging from skyscrapers in a harness washing windows. Went door to door and said he'd do the first job for free to prove his worth. Now he owns the biggest exterior maintenance company in America. And he never passed the 10th grade. Best read guy I've ever met.

Yeah I'm lucky that I was born in the USA and that my parents, who didn't have college degrees or silver spoons to hand out, instilled into me a strong work ethic and a complete lack of victim mentality (which the current generation has in spades).

Quit your bitching and get to work.

PS I've started a small business that hires only vets. What have you done?

I'm changing the growing world. Don't believe me? Just keep watching.
Erection. Anyone watching this year's erection?
In China?

Bernie Sanders has spent his whole life creating political red tape... Trump has accomplished things. His buildings come in finished on time and on budget. He is a billionaire that can negotiate with the toughest people Bernie Sanders is a wimp who cant stand up to 2 radical women at a rally.

Trump would walk all over Sanders in a debate and it wouldnt be pretty.... Think about Sanders vs Putin.... ROFLMAO!!!

You really aren't a bright person. Your troll game is not good. Try harder.
Berns pland to tax Wall Street speculator trading would actually pay for quite a bit. Look into it. See what truly neutral respectable and well known ecomomists have to say.
Berns "Socialist" ideas in the fifties would fit the republican platform all the way. Something happened in the early eighties with that sleeping and buffoon of a president ronnie reagan. His dementia was well under way and kept a well hidden secret during his early tenure. And the conservative right worships this old coot like a god to this very day.He was not making policy decisions. His "handlers" were. He slept his terms away. Trickle down economics.....yeah rite. This whole shit started with him and his bust up of the airline workers unions. You people need to research into these things. Find out why Fox News puts shit into your head if you watch it long enough. Find out the big family split in the Murdoch family over the direction Fox has been heading towards with its absurd bias content.
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Bernie Sanders has spent his whole life creating political red tape... Trump has accomplished things. His buildings come in finished on time and on budget. He is a billionaire that can negotiate with the toughest people Bernie Sanders is a wimp who cant stand up to 2 radical women at a rally.

Trump would walk all over Sanders in a debate and it wouldnt be pretty.... Think about Sanders vs Putin.... ROFLMAO!!!
This here folks is the core gut ideaology that trump dorks come from. This is it. Nothing deeper than this. Thats all they got. Scary indeed.
Dude if your looking for a political discourse on a marijuana growers site you need to really look elsewhere. And if your looking for an argument iam not playing your game. Just go back in your basement....grow some killer buds and stay away from the voting booths come November. Your out of your league. And read some books or something for heavens sake.
Dude if your looking for a political discourse on a marijuana growers site you need to really look elsewhere. And if your looking for an argument iam not playing your game. Just go back in your basement....grow some killer buds and stay away from the voting booths come November. Your out of your league. And read some books or something for heavens sake.

So you got nothin...
Berns "Socialist" ideas in the fifties would fit the republican platform all the way. Something happened in the early eighties with that sleeping and buffoon of a president ronnie reagan. His dementia was well under way and kept a well hidden secret during his early tenure. And the conservative right worships this old coot like a god to this very day.He was not making policy decisions. His "handlers" were. He slept his terms away. Trickle down economics.....yeah rite. This whole shit started with him and his bust up of the airline workers unions. You people need to research into these things. Find out why Fox News puts shit into your head if you watch it long enough. Find out the big family split in the Murdoch family over the direction Fox has been heading towards with its absurd bias content.
listen to mark levin he is good ..