The 1% Gap Continues To Narrow

Ok i will be completely honest here. The only thing i dont like about the Dems is their stance on gun control. Obama has made some bold moves. Moves that have gotten results with foreign policy deals and health care. Another example....the affordable care act....any one else got any ideas? Who has proposed an alternative. One washington republican insider recently said the only reason gop is against Obamacare is because they didnt propose it first. There ideas on helath care were very similar. At least hes tried. Just keep it like it was rite? Just like Iran. Or better yet lets waste some soldiers lives by going to war instead. Thats always worked rite? (Iraq debacle anyone?)If conservatives thought he invented oxygen alot of fox news watchers would quit breathing. The divisiveness in this country is nauseating. I fully support that so called whacko old man commie hippie bastard Bernie Fukin kick ass tell the truth Sanders to be the next President. And with recent polling in the Granite State....he just might win the nomination. Hillary is for the staus quo....and if you think Trump wont bend your sadly mistaken. He cut from the same cloth as the big time good ole boy network of money in Washington....just in the business world. No different really. Plus he says the emotional wacko bull shit that trump dorks want to hear in this monent in time to stay relevant. He honestly started this campaign as a joke. A rich mans joke that only a rich man in the media spotlight could get away with. Hes just as suprised at his success as we are. Believe that.
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Sigh. see4 cleaned my clock. Right.

You're wrong on just a few points. Like all of them.

After Glass-Steagall was revoked and signed into law by Clinton in 1999, Greenspan, Rubin, and Lawrence Summers (chief proponents of killing G-S) next promoted a bill that prohibited the regulation of derivatives. Clinton signed it into law in 2000. It's called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (CFMA). Look it up. That was the source of derivatives deregulation, not the Bush administration, not that it matters. promoting your revisionist history you cut Brooksley Born out of the story. And she's the only hero in the entire debacle. Look her up. Fascinating woman.

So, by law, derivatives were deregulated in 2000. Ms Born saw disaster looming and tried to reign them in nonetheless, but Greenspan, Rubin and Lawrence smeared, denigrated and basically crucified her. It's an ugly story. And it's the SEC and the CFTC that held the remaining tiny smidgen of regulatory power over the derivatives market. Not the Executive branch. The President can promote an SEC director to the chairman slot but can't fire or hire. In theory, the SEC is independent and non-partisan and no more than three directors can be of the same party. And by law--that CFMA drafted and promoted by Greenspan--derivatives could not legally be constrained.

Now throw into the stew Barney "Fife" Franks and his houses-for-everyone initiatives and the table was set.

Unlike you, I could care less whether a donkey or elephant was sitting on the throne when it all started and it's more than a little simplistic to lay the blame on Clinton or Bush. But if you feel that you need to put the blame on Bush I'm happy to hear where my narrative is wrong. That said, most independent observers blame the Greenspan/Rubin/Lawrence triumvirate, greedy banks, craven mortgagees and lenders, and Franks to a lesser degree.

And I'm going to call on you to cite your "monstrous mistake" claim. Greenspan never really said he made any kind of real error. The closest he came when asked if he was in error was this half-assed response:

"Partially ... I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interest of organisations, specifically banks, is such that they were best capable of protecting shareholders and equity in the firms ... I discovered a flaw in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works. I had been going for 40 years with considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well. The overall view I take of regulation is, I took an oath of office when I became Federal Reserve chairman. I'm here to uphold the laws of the land passed by Congress, not my own predilections."

So, he blamed the CFMA, even though he was the chief architect (along with Summers). Typical.
Dude, I think you're a bubble off plumb. Look at the charts. YOU posted the one with omissions. Were you dropped on your head as a child?

And "cogent sentence" is exactly what I meant to write. It usually comes after a cogent thought, which is why you're having problems comprehending.

But then again here I am arguing with a stoner who lacks basic numeracy skills. So who's the real idiot?

Yawn. If cogent sentence is what you meant, then you misused the word. If you had said cogent thought, I would have understood. But you didn't, you misused the word. Not sure why you're stuck on that, when the meat of our discussion is me using your references against your claims. And you've yet to disprove me. You're not good at this man. Try harder.
Ok i will be completely honest here. The only thing i dont like about the Dems is their stance on gun control. Obama has made some bold moves. Moves that have gotten results with foreign policy deals and health care. Another example....the affordable care act....any one else got any ideas? Who has proposed an alternative. One washington republican insider recently said the only reason gop is against Obamacare is because they didnt propose it first. There ideas on helath care were very similar. At least hes tried. Just keep it like it was rite? Just like Iran. Or better yet lets waste some soldiers lives by going to war instead. Thats always worked rite? (Iraq debacle anyone?)If conservatives thought he invented oxygen alot of fox news watchers would quit breathing. The divisiveness in this country is nauseating. I fully support that so called whacko old man commie hippie bastard Bernie Fukin kick ass tell the truth Sanders to be the next President. And with recent polling in the Granite State....he just might win the nomination. Hillary is for the staus quo....and if you think Trump wont bend your sadly mistaken. He cut from the same cloth as the big time good ole boy network of money in Washington....just in the business world. No different really. Plus he says the emotional wacko bull shit that trump dorks want to hear in this monent in time to stay relevant. He honestly started this campaign as a joke. A rich mans joke that only a rich man in the media spotlight could get away with. Hes just as suprised at his success as we are. Believe that.

I pretty much agree with you point by point. Obama's ideas weren't his problem. Just his execution. You live in New England? Do you have a feel for Sanders?
After Glass-Steagall was revoked and signed into law by Clinton in 1999, Greenspan, Rubin, and Lawrence Summers (chief proponents of killing G-S) next promoted a bill that prohibited the regulation of derivatives. Clinton signed it into law in 2000. It's called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (CFMA). Look it up. That was the source of derivatives deregulation, not the Bush administration, not that it matters. promoting your revisionist history you cut Brooksley Born out of the story. And she's the only hero in the entire debacle. Look her up. Fascinating woman.

So, by law, derivatives were deregulated in 2000. Ms Born saw disaster looming and tried to reign them in nonetheless, but Greenspan, Rubin and Lawrence smeared, denigrated and basically crucified her. It's an ugly story. And it's the SEC and the CFTC that held the remaining tiny smidgen of regulatory power over the derivatives market. Not the Executive branch. The President can promote an SEC director to the chairman slot but can't fire or hire. In theory, the SEC is independent and non-partisan and no more than three directors can be of the same party. And by law--that CFMA drafted and promoted by Greenspan--derivatives could not legally be constrained.

Now throw into the stew Barney "Fife" Franks and his houses-for-everyone initiatives and the table was set.

Unlike you, I could care less whether a donkey or elephant was sitting on the throne when it all started and it's more than a little simplistic to lay the blame on Clinton or Bush. But if you feel that you need to put the blame on Bush I'm happy to hear where my narrative is wrong. That said, most independent observers blame the Greenspan/Rubin/Lawrence triumvirate, greedy banks, craven mortgagees and lenders, and Franks to a lesser degree.

And I'm going to call on you to cite your "monstrous mistake" claim. Greenspan never really said he made any kind of real error. The closest he came when asked if he was in error was this half-assed response:

"Partially ... I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interest of organisations, specifically banks, is such that they were best capable of protecting shareholders and equity in the firms ... I discovered a flaw in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works. I had been going for 40 years with considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well. The overall view I take of regulation is, I took an oath of office when I became Federal Reserve chairman. I'm here to uphold the laws of the land passed by Congress, not my own predilections."

So, he blamed the CFMA, even though he was the chief architect (along with Summers). Typical.

The CFMA didn't really do much, in either direction, for cleaning up what the real problem was, enter BISTRO. And we can thank JP Morgan [Chase] for that poison. BISTROs essentially allowed the split credit risk among a handful of [indifferent] investors, who of course did not have to be institutional. Very bad. That was around 97 or so, I learned about in my finance courses, taught as a "good thing". Needless to say, that went unchecked through both administrations until disaster struck.
Ok i will be completely honest here. The only thing i dont like about the Dems is their stance on gun control. Obama has made some bold moves. Moves that have gotten results with foreign policy deals and health care. Another example....the affordable care act....any one else got any ideas? Who has proposed an alternative. One washington republican insider recently said the only reason gop is against Obamacare is because they didnt propose it first. There ideas on helath care were very similar. At least hes tried. Just keep it like it was rite? Just like Iran. Or better yet lets waste some soldiers lives by going to war instead. Thats always worked rite? (Iraq debacle anyone?)If conservatives thought he invented oxygen alot of fox news watchers would quit breathing. The divisiveness in this country is nauseating. I fully support that so called whacko old man commie hippie bastard Bernie Fukin kick ass tell the truth Sanders to be the next President. And with recent polling in the Granite State....he just might win the nomination. Hillary is for the staus quo....and if you think Trump wont bend your sadly mistaken. He cut from the same cloth as the big time good ole boy network of money in Washington....just in the business world. No different really. Plus he says the emotional wacko bull shit that trump dorks want to hear in this monent in time to stay relevant. He honestly started this campaign as a joke. A rich mans joke that only a rich man in the media spotlight could get away with. Hes just as suprised at his success as we are. Believe that.
He said he wanted universal healthcare/single payer and instead the insurance lobbyists made sure he delivered Obamacare.
You tell me, how do they "steal".

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid kid and don't forget to vote for Burnedout Sanders.

No, you tell me.
Typical right wing BS tactic. Avoid the question and try to turn it around.
Don't you think its incumbent on your side to answer how the bottom half is "stealing" from the top 1%. It's a word your side keeps repeating over and over so you don't have the moral ground to ask me that question.
If adjusting the tax rate is considered "stealing" to you guys, then you must hate Ronald Reagen because he adjusted the tax rate to help the rich and stole the money right from your own pocket.
If closing tax loopholes for corporations is stealing, then creating them in the first place would also have to be stealing. Huh?

Hey Ben, what ever happened to "facts over feelings"? You seem to only apply that to growing MJ. Now go ahead and post up some ridiculous charts from some conspiracy website and as usual, forget to check your facts.

And yes, I will vote for Bernie, and you can keep dreaming one of your racist boys will win the election like you believed the last time. Too fun to watch you guys the last election when you believed the kool-aid flavored polls you were drinking.
Please keep alienating the American people with the crazy notions you guys are so proud of. It's truly helping this country.
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You most definitely need to substantiate that claim.

You know I pulled that number out my ass. And if you are really here to change minds, you are wasting your time.

Trolling is all this place is really good for. Good times.

Ok i will be completely honest here. The only thing i dont like about the Dems is their stance on gun control. Obama has made some bold moves. Moves that have gotten results with foreign policy deals and health care. Another example....the affordable care act....any one else got any ideas? Who has proposed an alternative. One washington republican insider recently said the only reason gop is against Obamacare is because they didnt propose it first. There ideas on helath care were very similar. At least hes tried. Just keep it like it was rite? Just like Iran. Or better yet lets waste some soldiers lives by going to war instead. Thats always worked rite? (Iraq debacle anyone?)If conservatives thought he invented oxygen alot of fox news watchers would quit breathing. The divisiveness in this country is nauseating. I fully support that so called whacko old man commie hippie bastard Bernie Fukin kick ass tell the truth Sanders to be the next President. And with recent polling in the Granite State....he just might win the nomination. Hillary is for the staus quo....and if you think Trump wont bend your sadly mistaken. He cut from the same cloth as the big time good ole boy network of money in Washington....just in the business world. No different really. Plus he says the emotional wacko bull shit that trump dorks want to hear in this monent in time to stay relevant. He honestly started this campaign as a joke. A rich mans joke that only a rich man in the media spotlight could get away with. Hes just as suprised at his success as we are. Believe that.

On one hand, it seems you are against war. That's a good thing. I assume that means you believe that letting other people run their own lives, free from threats, is a good thing too?

On the other hand, you and Bernie want government to FORCE people to buy something they'd prefer not to?

You seem to be believing in two different things at once, could you explain why?
On one hand, it seems you are against war. That's a good thing. I assume that means you believe that letting other people run their own lives, free from threats, is a good thing too?

On the other hand, you and Bernie want government to FORCE people to buy something they'd prefer not to?

You seem to be believing in two different things at once, could you explain why?
No id rather not. Have a good day. Yawn.
No id rather not. Have a good day. Yawn.

Thank you, you have a good day too.

I understand that when people are presented with contradictions to their beliefs it is difficult or uncomfortable to entertain a conversation. Besides, which side would you argue, if you're holding two opposing beliefs at once ?
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Hmm, something is wrong here.
%democrats in US population = 42%
% democrats supporting Sanders = 36%

0.42 / 0.36 = 1.16 or 116% By your formula, 116% of the population is lazy.

Math, or more technically arithmetic is not a strong suit of yours. You are a Beeeatch and a puny one at that.

What exactly do they teach in your Irish Catholic schools. Bondage and discipline?
Or try multiply by the percentage, genius.

Ever used a calculator?
This country is so divided now. The polarization is quite silly. The real deal....the real Truth is there is no "us vs. them". The left hand holds the bowl...the right hand holds the spoon....feeding one mouth. And until we all turn off the television....shut down the divisiveness....the illusion of separateness will prevail. There needs to be a new way of thinking....a new guiding philosophy. That is light years beyond all of that. The old ways are dead or dying. We are looking for volunteers.....whose ready? The future is here....we are it.
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This country is so divided now. The polarization is quite silly. The real deal....the real Truth is there is no "us vs. them". The left hand holds the bowl...the right hand holds the spoon....feeding one mouth. And until we all turn off the television....shut down the divisiveness....the illusion of separateness will prevail. There needs to be a new way of thinking....a new guiding philosophy. That is light years beyond all of that. The old ways are dead or dying. We are looking for volunteers.....whose ready? The future is here....we are it.

Good luck with that....