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  1. J


    No it's actually the one in the white pot I accidentally ripped most of its roots of but now it's doing better than the purple pot, I gave them both a feed of 1 8th nutes about a week ago , the purple pot is the one I started all 3 in maybe that's why she is dieing
  2. J


    I'll include a pic of the other 2 plants that were dieing since I abandoned them they have been outside24/7 and they are still alive , the plant in the purple pot is actually the mix of Scots the poly fill and garden soil and the one in the white pot is 100% Scots mix and it's actually coming...
  3. J


    You can see the leaves look droopy today after feeding and I've changed the direction of that fan in the bottom incase it was wind burn because it was reflecting of the roof straight down onto plant , also it's only had 2 feeds of nute water one before the flip and one yesterday
  4. J


    Sorry for blurred pic my camera is buffered in low light,first pic this is the air intake from inside the cab back , second pic air intake from the back
  5. J


    Hey mate thanks for dropping by anything in particular you want to see?? Or just a general pic of the whole lot
  6. J


    Yes about 3 days into 12/12 maybe 4
  7. J


    It's a general appearance if you can imagine a color wheel right and the normal color is say 5 regular green if 6 is dark green then these are a 4 and a half so basically one shade lighter and it's only the newest leaves the older ones are still regular green, the light doesn't feel hot I can...
  8. J


    Oh the only other thing is the timer had a glitch and after the flip the lights stayed on for over 24 hours I've fixed it now but wondering if that will do harm to the growth
  9. J


    The leaves also felt a little dry I think from the fan and being to close to the light
  10. J


    Yeh that's the soil, drainage seems to be ok now, still 1 8th teaspoon to a gallon ph is between 6.5 and 7
  11. J


    Was mainly just worried about the smell it was a really weird toxic kind of smell I think because the cab had no fresh air I installed the air intake last night hoping that will help, the slight yellowing of the new leaves I think is from being to close to the light , also what do you mean test...
  12. J

    Leaves turning yellow during flowering

    This is my girl she's only under a single 24 watt atm
  13. J

    Leaves turning yellow during flowering

    Hmm, interesting I'm doing a small grow with cfls and its still early days but she is allot more compact, how far away from the plant have your lights been ??
  14. J

    Leaves turning yellow during flowering

    Yo what type of strain is this??? Looks very stretched
  15. J


    Hey guys got her out the cab about day 3 of flip now I noticed when I smelled her the smell was not the lovely weed smell she was giving off but more like a common garden weed like a poisen kind of smell also soil was quite dry and newer leaves have a slight yellow appearance only slightly ...
  16. J


    First pic is air intake device to bring in the air without light the fan will be screwed to the inside and the formula tin taped to the back and the bottom of the Pringles tin sits just up from the floor , second fan will be exhaust with carbon. Filter taped to the back
  17. J


    Thanks for sticking around mate I'm in eternal debt for all the help , righto I'll try to keep it green then, I did the flip last night she was already smelling amazing before I put her in the cab, I'll have all 4 bulbs sideways this was just a quick install till I get everything else I need...
  18. J


    Got my gh maxibloom 1kg $41 delivered in 2 days half the price was postage, from here I plan on finishing the door adding the in and out fans in the back and next week I'll put her in her final pot , I'm going to make a chain with paper clips to lower the lights how I please , I made my nute...
  19. J


    Hey guys just a quick update cab is over halfway just waiting on my y adapters to swap from one to four lights and my pc fans and she's all done here's a sneek peek
  20. J


    All good I thought L was for live but it was to loop multiple lights together so a quick 're wire and there fixed