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  1. bamboofarmer

    First time in a pot, I don't have a clue.

    At first, i was watering b4 they were totally dry, but I started seeing fungus gnats eating the root hairs in the bottom near the drain holes. (clear bottles) So...I let them get very dry b4 watering again. So dry, that they would wilt in another hour or two. When I water, I add it in 3...
  2. bamboofarmer

    First time in a pot, I don't have a clue.

    These are growing in 16 oz mountain dew bottles. No topping or anything, obviously.
  3. bamboofarmer

    The Myth About Light Leaks

    Glad to see you're still on here, btw. You helped me years ago when i first started growing. :peace:
  4. bamboofarmer

    The Myth About Light Leaks

    But an outdoor plant isn't as sensitive to a 'light leak'. (unless im wrong about that too)
  5. bamboofarmer

    The Myth About Light Leaks

    As an intermittent grower, with no real understanding of this topic, here is my theory: When a plant is grown outdoors, the photo period changes slightly every day. Flowering is triggered when the dark period is, more or less, equal to the light period. (correct me if you feel the need) As the...
  6. bamboofarmer

    Solo cup challenge 21/22

    Looks tasty. Think i'm gonna order some autos. What strain is that?
  7. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    But you need some holes on the bottom, or am i wrong?
  8. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Correction: More like 7.5 weeks in. Thanks to rmax for helping point this out.
  9. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Your question was very helpful. Made me realize i miscalculated. Thanks! I was thinking these plants were a bit behind schedule, which made me think they might never finish due to all the stress on them. But maybe they will finish...maybe...they...will. bongsmilie
  10. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Jars? As in glass jars with no holes in the bottom?
  11. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Yeah. Def gonna wait longer on most of them. I don't think i will grow this way again, but if i were going to, i would make the following changes: Make the watering process more efficient. Use the same genetics across the board. As you can see, each of these random bagseed plants reacted...
  12. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Had to go back and look at pictures. I was wrong. I didn't actually have preflowers on all plants until 27th of Dec. So i guess i'm actually only on week 7.
  13. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    You are a fount of wisdom. The surface area of the pot lol!
  14. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Thanks. I think some of them are done.
  15. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    ...and brown and purple and yellow lol.
  16. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Not clones and didn't lollipop either. I think the small pots kept the plant from getting too adventurous.
  17. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Pics of the whole grow:
  18. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    Originally was going to transplant and put into greenhouse for a winter grow. Greenhouse did not get built. Figured i'd just see what would happen if i crammed them all under some lights.
  19. bamboofarmer

    10 weeks in and things are looking hopeless

    That sounds like a good idea. Would you chop these ones or watch them suffer longer?