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  1. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Dr. Earth Organic 5 Tomato, Vegetable & Herb Fertilizer Poly Bag This stuff?
  2. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Oh okay ! I ordered the 5 gallon pot start small see how it does ! ok just curious why don’t I want it too big ? & makes sense since it’s fabric !
  3. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    I’m sorry new grower .. what is this suppose to mean ?
  4. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Smart Pots 5-Gallon Smart Pot Soft-Sided Container, Black with Cut handles
  5. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    This is the light I am using. it is at 25 inch height from the plant LED Grow Light, VIPARSPECTRA... So 3-5gallon the most
  6. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    move used fabric pot before & they are not bad I could get come I was told I should go by gallon I should go by inches of the pot.
  7. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    We’ll not too big or you risk over watering ? No? i also saw this post about burrying the Stem more. Should I bury mine more ? Or is it pointless now ?
  8. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    This is all true .. unfortunately lol but okay thanks Should I size up a pot when i repot or leave it in the pot it’s in now ?
  9. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    I do have an actual fish in it lol can I use that water if I wanted or I shouldn’t ? so if I use that I don’t have to use another fertilizer on top of that ? I heard a lot of good things about this product !
  10. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    I heard of people in here using fox farm & cal mag together & doing just fine so I can see that ! Also do you think I should upgrade the pot size ? Fertilizer have you ever heard of this stuff they had it at the hydro store. I assume it’s a fertilizer?
  11. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Okay I will do that, might be hard to get all the soil off I don’t want to mess with the roots.
  12. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Ohhhhh okay ! I seee you don’t think it will stress the plant even more ? Do you recommend the epsom salt ? I’ll get some fox farm tomorrow
  13. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Okay ! Sounds good thank you !
  14. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    I was told I am not going to have to fertilizer for a while ?
  15. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Okay maybe I’ll get some of that !
  16. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    I just repotted on Wednesday ! So next repot I will get fox farm ! Some of my house plants are in that soil! Yes I have a 10-10-10 fertilizer which is this one ! So use the epsom salt mix every watering ?
  17. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    I am using my britta filter water ! So should be good I assume ?
  18. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Yeah I think this is pretty good drainage ! yes I have epsom salt but lavender scent so can’t use that I will get some plain epsom salt. In the meantime I watered it with some filter water for tonight & will do the magnesium mix tomorrow! Thank you !
  19. Sberarducci

    Recommend fertilizer for Veg stage

    Wouldn’t watering it days in a row over water it ? epsom salt ? What does that do ? Should I put the epsom salts in water then water it ?