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  1. MidnightWolf

    Best things to do while you're high?

    Thanks for the visual......I'm still laughin! Wife says "you know you're a redneck when......"
  2. MidnightWolf

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    Coffee thru the nose, thanks alot :lol:
  3. MidnightWolf

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Thanks I'll check it out.
  4. MidnightWolf

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    I like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" it's funny shit when you're wrecked. Hell it's funny shit when you're straight!
  5. MidnightWolf

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    "It makes me want to cry, when Angels deserve to die" System of a Down. Get stoned and ponder that.
  6. MidnightWolf

    Most stoned you've ever been?

    I had given up the weed for a time, second wife was against it and it wasn't worth the hassle dealing with her. Obviously we divorced! I moved to Co. and had ne sources:cry:. Then one of the guys I worked with brought the subject. Hell yeah I smoke, just don't know where to score I told him. He...
  7. MidnightWolf

    The Grateful Dead

    Thanks for the post. I only saw them on the east coast. I know what I'm doin' tonight, smoke a little weed (okay smoke alot of weed) and watch that show. Odd thing, the song that started me down the Dead road was "West L.A. Fade Away" not a classic I know but got me started.
  8. MidnightWolf

    The Grateful Dead

    Phish is excellant. Trey is awesome on guitar. seen them a couple of times
  9. MidnightWolf

    Scarlet for those accused of rape on campus

    I agree with all you say here. I strongly agree that a legal conviction is a job for the courts only and that the panels could be a good thing as long as there are those checks in place and as long as those checks are not corrupted or distorted.
  10. MidnightWolf

    AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage

    And for that he as my respect and admiration. I was born here. But he put forth the effort to immigrate here. I once thought about immigrating to Australia, you have no idea of the requirements. He did it. I would welcome the man you describe into my home and call him friend.
  11. MidnightWolf

    AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage

    And then the entitlements start. And those that are here to actually work bring wages down, and take jobs from Americans. I am for immigration, legally. When has D.C. ever listened to the people?
  12. MidnightWolf

    AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage

    How 'bout you can shit on the American Flag and nothing happens, but burn a Gay rights flag and be charged with a hate crime.
  13. MidnightWolf

    AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage

    When has main stream media gotten anything right?
  14. MidnightWolf

    AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage

    That shouldn't even be a question whether or not they have a licence or not. They shouldn't be here. Period!
  15. MidnightWolf

    I am woman

    I couldn't agree with you more. Well stated.
  16. MidnightWolf

    I am woman

    I agree with the global issue, look at the Middle East for example. But in this country, USA it's gotten militant, vicious, and in your face. Get outta my face!
  17. MidnightWolf

    My compliments to our president

    Nah, just use executive fiat instead
  18. MidnightWolf

    My compliments to our president

    I won't even comment about Obama
  19. MidnightWolf

    Scarlet for those accused of rape on campus

    My bad. My opinion is based entirely on what I read here, I have not researched that statement. Thanks for slapping me back to reality. It's a tough subject and I can quickly get passionate about it. I'm sorry but mutilation prevents further incident and there is absolutely no excuse for...
  20. MidnightWolf

    Scarlet for those accused of rape on campus

    LOL, you're probably right!