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  1. kenobi

    Is this a cal mag issue, please help

    Shall we see the final result?
  2. kenobi

    Power outage! !!!

    Computer back up you say.... brilliant!
  3. kenobi

    Power outage! !!!

    plant went about an hour with no O2, shit stood tall, didnt even phase it.... thanks for the advise tho, def gonna invest in a mini wall generator, the ones that connect to the wall and it charges a huge battery inside it. . the company i work for bought like 12 at a decent price i might go for...
  4. kenobi

    Power outage! !!!

    Fuck, 20 mins?! And the plant is tied down all awkward because of the space... it would be pretty difficult to lift it out in the dark, plus the bitch is heavy as balls... id spoke to the guy outside, he said it should be about an hour before I get power.
  5. kenobi

    Power outage! !!!

    Wtf man, my power just went out. Can anyone tell me how long I have until my plant drowns ? It's in a 5gallon bucket which has just about 3 gallons of water. Does plant size and root ball size matter?? If so the root ball is about half the bucket and the plant is well over 6ft. (I know, I'm a...
  6. kenobi

    Bruce Banner #3?

    Interesting, def checking out the website.
  7. kenobi

    Bruce Banner #3?

    :clap:damn, I want lol
  8. kenobi

    Bruce Banner #3?

    Does anyone know where I can find BB#3 seeds? I've been searching for some time now with no luck. There's probably a reason why I can't find them, maybe one of you may know?
  9. kenobi

    Does this shit ever stop????

    Thanks guys, I was kinda hoping someone had a genius idea but I guess all I can do is tie her down. Thank you all for the advise I just hope the bud growth on the main stem doesn't get compromise by heat stress. I will attempt to set up the light vertically maybe buy another 400w fixture to have...
  10. kenobi

    Does this shit ever stop????

    Pics are up, or at least they should be. I can see them
  11. kenobi

    Does this shit ever stop????

    So I have a HUGE plant that is in about the 2 week of flower. But this bitch just doesn't stop growing... I was under the impression that it stops growing once in flower. From my understanding just a few extra inches from stretch. But this shit is already hitting 6 feet and I don't have anymore...
  12. kenobi

    First curled up older leaves, now new leaves turning light yellow

    i see... so you feed "nute water" every 3 days??? damn dude, you may want to slow that down. id say once a week. plain water every 3 days is find as long as the plant is asking for it. youre using the flora grow series so it should have anything the plant needs for its life cycle. post of...
  13. kenobi

    First curled up older leaves, now new leaves turning light yellow

    i would feed 1/4 nute and see where that takes you... sometimes the soil has nutes in it already. if youre not using soil like fox farm and other popular soils the ONLY soil i would suggest is home depots organic soil... comes in a green bag. no time release nutes in that just organic shit. with...
  14. kenobi

    First curled up older leaves, now new leaves turning light yellow

    its hungry man, feed that bitch some nutes... post a picture... 17 days in veg?? i assume youre talking about to two MAIN baby leafs that first show... those eventually turn yellow and fall off.... after those two leafs you get a set of fan leafs (3 fingers) those are your really leave... are...
  15. kenobi

    Stunted growth during flowering

    Interesting, you got me man... I have no clue.. in the pic I don't see any signs of def. But there was something definitely wrong. Sorry I can't give you an answer
  16. kenobi

    Stunted growth during flowering

    What was your light set up? I really don't know what to say... that's some crazy stuff. There was definitely a problem with the operation
  17. kenobi

    Stunted growth during flowering

    Hope you didn't transplant... if you did, there's your answer.
  18. kenobi

    Stunted growth during flowering

    Oh crap it's an auto?? Lool
  19. kenobi

    Stunted growth during flowering

    Na that's no auto northern lights X big bud... I feed it realgrowers recharge along with other things. But recharge is the secret touch. Now you know.
  20. kenobi

    Stunted growth during flowering

    Hmm... they indeed look rather large, but are they deep enough ? Ideally what temp should be 68° anything warmer Than that deprives the roots of oxygen so I agree with azarule, however it does seem like it's too late for all this... you're buds have formed and if I'm not mistaken cannabis stops...