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  1. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    I see a spider mite, Ill make some sudden moves... to the shop for dem predatory mites
  2. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Thanks for sharing. I am a total newb, I messed up my 1st grow - underfed, underwatered, and nitrogen deficiency destoryed 99% of my fan leaves on days 35-42 (I grow an autoflower). The plant is still alive,but I guess with no fan leaves and only sugar leaves left it wont produce. New seeds will...
  3. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Yup,saw that. However I have a 240ppm water (right on the edge, where maybe I should use RO water) and I suspect (will get the report soon) that there is an imbalance of calcium/magnesium - too much calcium Thus, if I regularly use calmag, and my tap water is high in calcium, I may lock out...
  4. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Yes, that an obvious choice. My main worry was - will epsom salts kill microorganisms in my medium? (biobiz light mix - its not soilless but it also is not true soil,but it has microorganisms that digest the nutes i pour in the pot) But @PadawanWarrior pointed out it wont really hurt the...
  5. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Thanks for advice. One think I rarely see though is the recommended dosage. I guess it depends on pot size. If I use 20 l airpots and plant autoflower straigt in the pot without transplants - how much should I miix in any of the ingredients you mentioned (before planting the seed)? Thanks
  6. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Thanks. I have read that epsom salts wont harm soilless mediums. Now I am at ease knowing that at correct dosages it wont kill microherds in myBiobizz light soil, even if I add it by watering not foliar spraying @PadawanWarrior By the way - If I DO choose to foliar spray during flowering, can I...
  7. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Its a theoretical question :) Preparing for my next grow, because I messd up my first one. (Underfed, underwatered, caused Nitrogen deficiency, didnt fix in time, almost all fan leaves yellowed and died. Some survived so maybe my plants will survive. Anyway, have ordered new seeds) Water ph is...
  8. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Hi! My tap water is high in calcium (total (calcium + other minerals) ppm is 240) , so I would like to avoid using cal-mag for Mag deficiencies in fear of overdosing calcium and causing Mag lockout. 1) Using biobizz light mix - can I use epsom salts with nutes and water the soil in flowering...
  9. kreikrei

    Mag deficieny in flowering. Can I use epsom salts with nutes (not foliar)? What about epsom effect on microbial life? (BIOBIZZ light mix soil)

    Hi! My tap water is high in calcium (total (calcium + other minerals) ppm is 240) , so I would like to avoid using cal-mag for Mag deficiencies in fear of overdosing calcium and causing Mag lockout. 1) Using biobizz light mix - can I use epsom salts with nutes and water the soil in flowering...
  10. kreikrei

    Lux meter reads sun at 130k lux midday. Is it broken?

    Yup, did more reading and you are right. However, do you think that being on balcony ( a few feet above ground) effects the readings vs ground level? We are talking MASSIVE distances here. What would a few feet change when the light has to travel tens of kilometers through many layers of...
  11. kreikrei

    A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

    Interesting I have heard the opposite. But I also have read about using several cheap ones like you do , which would give you a more accurate picture. The question is - better 4 cheap ones for 40 usd or 1 hgher quality for 80 usd :)
  12. kreikrei

    Lux meter reads sun at 130k lux midday. Is it broken?

    Weird thing about the start of my first grow was that all 3 of my plants stretched, despite me giving them about 15-20k lux after they popped from the ground. I have read the recomendation is about 5-15k lux, and I thought I was overdoing it, but they still stretched. Maybe it was the strain (2...
  13. kreikrei

    Lux meter reads sun at 130k lux midday. Is it broken?

    I agree, but I do not have spare 200 usd :D I broke my phone a month ago, and couldnt post pics, since I ran into deficiencieson my first grow (started May 1st). Due to not being able te resolve them, I think my plants will go down sadly and I will start a new round in 3 weeks. So I need to...
  14. kreikrei

    Lux meter reads sun at 130k lux midday. Is it broken?

    mars hydro ts 1000, and kingbrite 240with cree leds I know that because of red diodes, the results would be innacurate But with the help of this -, you can get a more accurate result My end goal would be a PAR...
  15. kreikrei

    Lux meter reads sun at 130k lux midday. Is it broken?

    Hey guys. Just for "fun" wanted too see how bright is the sun, so midday I took my cheap lux meter ( uni-t ut383 - abut 25 usd) to my balcony to check it. It showed 130k lux, but google says sun maxes out at 100k. I am assuming my meter is broken or there is something I am missing? Thanks
  16. kreikrei

    A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

    Finger doesnt ease my mind, since I am a total beginner and overthink things :) I think scale is another good alternative. You onlyhave to saturate once to get the wet weigth and dry weight is available from the start when you fill up buckets. Harder in scrog to weigh the pots, of course..
  17. kreikrei

    A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

    I am glad my "VERY SERIOUSLY" intended topic got sidetracked and people got some laughs out of it :D It was fun reading it. Everybody sativa`d hard :D Is there a consensus in pot community which moisture meters are worth it and are high quality? There seem to be many in that price range ;)
  18. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Well - I have finished the watering. 8 liters total for the 2x20 liter pots - runoff was about 1.5 liters or 0.75l perplant. Smaller plant I gave 2.5 litrs, runoff is about 500 ml I expected A LOT more runoff, maybe that means that when I was watering before (2.25 liters for 20l pot), I was...
  19. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Yeah... those side leaks are getting on my nerves lol Could plug them, but then its no longer an airpot...
  20. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    @Kassiopeija I will try to give each big pot 4 liters now, and smaller one (11l) about 2.5 litres. Ill use whatever method or mix of methods to do that. If runoff gets too big after 2.5 liters, Ill try to get the last 1.5 litres with soaking in tub method. However, you said to get to 2 EC. I...