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  1. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    I understand :) I would have to wait about 2-3 weeks for news seeds, so for now Ill just try to save it.
  2. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    I know I messed up. The question is - what is the best course of action to try and save thm, if it is even possible...
  3. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Thanks. You think airpots are more hassle than the benefits it provides? Have to read on how to best water airpots
  4. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    tent is 3x3x6 feet, ventilation is ok. Ac infinity s6 and 4 small pc fans. Passive air intake. 1) What is th purpose of the 30% volume soak? Ok, so Ill water today with about 3-4 litres each big pot and 2-3 litres small pot.Will do it VERY slowly,with a sprayer and in several rounds, let it...
  5. kreikrei

    Whats wrong (nute lockout)? Should I feed one more time or do flush straight away?

    Thanks for responding. Medium - biobizz light mix. I water in 3 rounds. First round I soak it with sprayer. After 10 mins I pour with a gardening can. I think I may have underwatered from the start. On day 38 I watered 2.25 litres of water for big pots (20l) and 1.5 litres for little pot (11l)...
  6. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Thanks for replying. 1) I get about 100ml runoff after 2.25 litres of watering. 30% volume is 6-7 litres. Wont they just runoff every time I try to pour it back in? 2)" -You need to water properly allow dryback until pot is very light then saturate fully with, at least, 1/3rd of pot volume."...
  7. kreikrei

    Whats wrong (nute lockout)? Should I feed one more time or do flush straight away?

    Hey guys. Ran into some issues with my autoflowers when going in flowering. This is my first grow Day 41 from sprouting.Tap water ppm 200-240. BIOBIZZ nutes PPM going in was never above remoended range for vegetation, early flowering. Dont know about ppm coming out, since I usually water until...
  8. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    @Kassiopeija @Horselover fat @Lenin1917 @coreywebster Tagging you guys, since have nothing to lose lol. If my post needs more information, please tell me. Day 41 from sprouting. PPM going in was never above remoended range for vegetation, early flowering. Dont know about ppm coming out, since...
  9. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Are there any microbes besides Biobizz that I can buy? Id liketo keep a bottle in case of emergencies - but they are a bit expensive and I have other priorities, like a new phone :D They dont seem to be a "must buy" product, but after flushes due to nute lockout, they may be valuable
  10. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    I thought - if I make mistakes on my first grow , I rather do less than more aka better to underwater than overwater and underfeed than overfeed. That beingsaid - when I did my firt fullwatering on week 4,I added 1/4 of nute recommended by Biobizz and got a small nute burn,,,
  11. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    I may borrow a phone today, will post pictures today. Dont know what camera it has thoug. Ok, so wont aadd ho2o. Its risky for the microorganisms and no need to overreact. I most likely have a nute lockout, not root rot.
  12. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Good to hear that other people have faced the same misery I am facing. Makes my pain more tolerable :D :D Yup, I have heard about the expiration thing, keeping my nutes in fridge :D Did you add bloom on the last portion of the flush , the first portion or all of th water that you used for...
  13. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    You highlighted relevant text and answered to those parts - end result looks easy on the eye. I have to learn how to do that. I picked autos for these reasons: 1 - Faster result (maybe not in my case haha) 2 -More easily controlllable environment. I leav ligths on 24/7. So no worries about...
  14. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    You are right, I wasted money on molasses, but it wasnt too much, 5 usd Being a first time groer, I am overwhelmed by so much information (often contradictory, forexample, go full et/dry cycle or keep the soil a bit moist all the time, since a bit moist is better for microorganisms if you use...
  15. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Interesting, learn something new every day. Which is to be expected since it is my first grow. So assuming its not a lockout and Ive just been underfeeding a very hungry plant... I should useFis mix instead of grow as my last hail mary feed of N, before flushing. Here is the thread about...
  16. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    I actually didnt fed any molasses or activera, just bought them today. Only had been supplementing with kelps aka algamic. Maybe calmag caused a nutrient lockout (since every other nutrient I started in week 3 after sprout with 25% recomende dose, 2 weeks later 33% dose and reached 50% dose on...
  17. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Sorry nope. My phone broke month ago, replacement one (old Samsung mini) has a baaaad camera.... But Ive done hours and hours of reading. looking at pictures from other people issues who are similar. flush seems to be imminent, hinestly, because thats the most popular advice in those cases that...
  18. kreikrei

    BIOBIZZ. Is this too much supplements? NOT nutrients (N,P,K)

    Biobizz light mix. Running in to "usual" (found a lot of people struggling with Biobizz at the start of flower) flowering deficiency. My first grow - autoflower/sativa (Think different) Vegetation period was great, but as soon as early flower started ,leaves started yellowing for all plants...
  19. kreikrei

    A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

    Drop the meters and become a jacked grower. "What exercises you do for those arms dude?" "I lift pots"
  20. kreikrei

    A GENIUS (stupid?)idea to check bottom of pots for moisture?

    I thought of a mor specific use case - checking if bottom part is not too dry and become hydrophobic (I have peat moss in my mix, it can become hydrophobic pretty fast) It would help to find out if you need to soak the pot in bath of whatever with some water and surfacant. For example, if you...