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  1. Ishrahnai

    Sending good vibrations out to everyone

    This always gets the good vibes flowing
  2. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    To each their own man, like I said I'm impartial and just trying to promote positivity. Perhaps I should've said no bullshit please?
  3. Ishrahnai

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    I nearly put up an accapella version of this, what a voice!
  4. Ishrahnai

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    I'd like like anything from that man too, problem is content blocked in my country. Bloody copyright. Plenty of garlic, spice in your food. Perhaps some fresh ginger tea?
  5. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I asked you as an impartial munter. State your intentions, my intention is talk straight.
  6. Ishrahnai

    please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

    I lost a mate kinda because although he knew he shouldn't and we told him for years, one night away from us he tripped hard. Never quite came back, institutionalised and drugged. I've seen him many times since his 'treatment' and he's a shell of the legend he once was. RIP sausage fingers Tim.
  7. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    It's an open forum, one thing I've noticed in my brief time around here is there doesn't seem to be a lot of love for you or any of your alter egos. Are you part of the solution or the problem?
  8. Ishrahnai

    RIP Dumbass

    Aaaaaaaand un pucker!
  9. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Great minds think alike, I'm gonna give it a week to let the dust settle then build my scrog box so nobody would know. If u can't see it or smell it the it might as well not exist. So anything we gain has got to look good eh? Cheers
  10. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Hence ex-wife I'd wager? I hear you though, I've voluntarily given up a lot of vices to have a better life with my family. I'm not giving up on my weed and my stinky girls, I don't however want my family splitting, sooooo what to do eh?
  11. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

  12. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  13. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  14. Ishrahnai

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

  15. Ishrahnai

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    While we're just shooting the breeze, I must just have a moan. My missus has been pretty much cool with me growing and smoking. Hell, she used to do it! Since I've had most of the year out, now she chucks a wobbler at the mere mention of me getting my grow on again.!!! What to do............?
  16. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Problem I'm having at the moment is for years my missus was all good but since I had to take a year out, now she suddenly had kittens about me getting my thang going again!!!
  17. Ishrahnai

    The human condition

    I get my kicks every single day in one form or another, a metaphoricle kick in the nuts at work and then nice kicks after. My biggest kick is spending time with my daughter, her very pure and simple way of looking at things kind of inspired this thread. She was watching TV with us and there...
  18. Ishrahnai

    The human condition

    I know, if I'm honest the cover image lured me.
  19. Ishrahnai

    The human condition

    The trend is up but not erection line or it would feel a lot nicer. Don't get me wrong, I know a great deal is being done in a positive way, I am far from pessimistic but even though many people are like minded - the powers that be make too much money the way things are to let something like...