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  1. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Lmao, I believe with female plants the water is supposed to swirl counter clockwise.
  2. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    It's on the agenda. Lol, hell I just got the room almost right. So much to do! Too many projects to do... Compost tea has been something I've wanted to do for a while, and not just for the weed plants.
  3. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    That's what I've got. Are you running them at 300 watts?
  4. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    I've been focusing on roots last and current grow. 1/3 of my soil is Fox Farm Happy Frog soil conditioner, which has some great stuff in it, including microbes. I also use mycorrhizae in the soil. Last grow, the roots pretty much filled the bag. A little bit of gene splicing and you'll be...
  5. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Right. The more I understand about making sure the correct amounts of the correct nutes are available at the correct times, the more sense it makes for them to be able to retain good health and be resistant to all problems. Really no different than people in that sense.
  6. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Yeah I wouldnt think it was TMV either. I don't think it grows out of it if a plant gets it.
  7. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Lol, oh yeah! Jesus I was a baked last night....
  8. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Are you getting mg def indications? If not, start small. Of course, I know nothing about dwc so it's just my opinion. My Rhino Skin will arrive today.
  9. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    True, yet another level of knowledge about nutrients that deserves thorough study. Actually, I'm glad you pointed it out. The electrical conductivity properties come into play with combinations of nutes. I think in a logical sense though, going with a viewpoint from how nutes can be...
  10. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    So, I shot a quick video of my room just now. Lol, I figured why have a YouTube channel if I'm not going to upload a few videos. These are my plants right now as of flower day 27.
  11. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Thanks bro! Im glad to help. It helps me just as much as you, believe it or not. Right now I'm devising my plan for next grow based off of everything I've learned from all previous grows, including this one. This is grow bank gold. I'm kind of a research junkie when I get into stuff. It's my...
  12. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    IMO it does. This is the stuff that I think mastering is the next game changer after dialing in lights and environment.
  13. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Dude! Fuckin bravo! I think your logic is dead on. In fact, I think this teaches just how little of the Si to put into your feed in DWC. In soil, it will be a little different but the warning rings true with what I was finding as "pro tips" in different forums where everyone raved about what it...
  14. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Are you using a lot of potassium in your mix? It can act antagonistic with calcium, magnesium and nitrogen if there's too much.
  15. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Yeah, I've seen people with this problem too many times to count, I think @Smokexbreak had a plant with that going on. TBH I'm not sure I've ever seen a conclusion to the problem. But, the science behind chlorophyll and photosynthesis point to magnesium. What locks out magnesium or is a...
  16. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Magnesium is responsible for the color of the chlorophyll in the leaf. Looks like you either don't have enough or it's being locked out for some reason.
  17. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    My son's gf has grandparents and aunts/uncles/cousins who have lived and grown up there in the Humboldt hills. He and she went up last year to help with a harvest. Going again this year. He speaks very highly of their land and operation.
  18. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    I might as well just copy and paste what 3M said.... Damn government fuckin things up as usual. Can't get through the story without wishing I had a bowl to smoke to chill out. This stuff is so damn irritating.
  19. StickyBudHound

    Epic 4x4 Flowering Smackdown : 96 Elites vs 288s

    Me too. I have a buddy running 2k Watts of HPS over his 4 plants. He was able to get a pound each last grow but his ratio of grams per watt was way lower than mine at a total of 1200 watts, just 300 over each plant. He's not sold on my QBs yet. When I do a pound per as he did, I think he'll...
  20. StickyBudHound

    Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

    Nice looking plants JT!