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  1. H

    AK47 45 plant sog (sea of green)

    Huh? That much bud takes me 6 hours for one person. Stop smoking whilst you trim!
  2. H

    AK47 45 plant sog (sea of green)

    The best and worst day of the month... "Yay.. look at all this bud! Urrgh... look at all this bud"
  3. H

    Calmag/seedling ?

    Seedlings have so much energy reserves that you don't need to feed them anything. You unlikely have done them any dmg because they aren't trying to uptake any nutrients so you havn't locked anything out, but don't feed calmag to seedlings. The best advice I can give is don't use calmag ever...
  4. H

    PH, EC, and TDS meters

    I'm still on my first Bluelab Guardian. It's only had 2 new EC probes, 3 new pH probes and 1 new unit. It saddens me that only half the people here will get the reference..
  5. H

    Do I need to defoliate more?

    Here's the TLDR from above: "Sativas have less dense foliage so require less defoliation." Yes. Correct.
  6. H

    Do I need to defoliate more?

    How have I only just found this thread? Excellent reading. Went though a whole bag of popcorn. In case you didn't know which side I'm on, I defoliate heavily and have excellent results. The argument that the plant knows best has no real basis because, these plants were brought in from the...
  7. H

    Gavita 750 de vs Led.. Do I even grow bro?

    Afghan #1 These whipper snappers wont know anything about it! It's all super amnesia purple balls and frosty cornflake ice cream sundae these days... not an original genome in sight!
  8. H

    AK47 45 plant sog (sea of green)

    Nice grow. I thought the clones looked unhealthy but once they settled in they turned into beauts! How are you cloning? I think you possibly lost a bit of time on the transplant, but if that's not an issue the end product looks fantastic.
  9. H

    Sterile dwc

    No no.. you misunderstood me. I meant getting H2O2 that is for salons, is a million times cheaper than using the hydro shop stuff, and a thousand times cheaper than the food grade stuff. I totally agree, using that much h202 is a pita, if you have big tanks.
  10. H

    Gavita 750 de vs Led.. Do I even grow bro?

    Oh, I'm curious, Are you just running these autos because it's first time round in a while, or is this something you do. Personally I hate seeds so once I'm up and running, I just cut. I've got a load of seeds that I'm trying to find a space to put into rotation but the plant I have is such a...
  11. H

    Gavita 750 de vs Led.. Do I even grow bro?

    Oh, I was classing the Sanlights as top end.. at least that's what their price tag suggests. £500+ a pop for the Q6W. 245W putting out 620 ppf is pretty damn good though and at 2.7 micromoles... I don't think there's anything better on the market specs wise. Gavitas are 2.6 and people reckon...
  12. H

    How to change PH of res tank without taking out the water

    Is your tray covered to block out the light? Do you have algae growing somewhere? How large is your reservoir?
  13. H

    Gavita 750 de vs Led.. Do I even grow bro?

    Do you think the San-lights are the best top end LED there is? They aren't cheap, coming in almost 2:1 price to wattage, which is double what I've paid for mine but if they perform, then I'm all about keeping power usage down. It looks like the driver is hidden in the top there inbetween the...
  14. H

    Why are my leaves like this

    New growth does do that.. Nothin wrong with those plants. Looks like you have a tiny amount of burn on the tips (it could just be the picture quality) but that is good.. just the way we like it.
  15. H

    Sterile dwc

    Why is nobody talking about H2O2? RO water and H202 is all you need for a sterile tank and it has the added benefit of releasing o2 into the mix. I wouldn't be adding chlorine or bleach or any of that, when peroxide is so readily available. I stopped buying 12% at the hydro store and went to...
  16. H

    HID's are dead. Long live LED's

    Yeah but who uses blurple? OK OK, you caught me, I grow with HPS and just switch all my lights out to take pictures because I have shares in Samsung.
  17. H

    Gavita 750 de vs Led.. Do I even grow bro?

    Yeah but that sort of pull brings attention surely?
  18. H

    Gavita 750 de vs Led.. Do I even grow bro?

    Super interested to see how all these perform. I'm in the market for some more LED's. One question.. are you.. on the grid.. cause that's a lot of juice for a flat.
  19. H

    HID's are dead. Long live LED's

    For me, even if MH was faster (it isn't) the benefits of using flouros greatly outweigh that fact. I keep all my mothers, cloning and veg to a closet, and heat would be an issue. Also, as I'm not having to veg and flower in the same room, I have a perpetual setup, I'm not concerned with losing...