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  1. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    I know exactly what you mean. I still talk to a handful of people I met on lot almost daily. But as far as Colorado goes I've contemplated moving there quite a bit over the last couple of years and I'm sure I'll end up out there eventually. Got a couple friends out around Denver so if nothing...
  2. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    This is very true, most psychonauts tend to be of the hermit variety. The problem lies in the fact that the ones you'll find on lot around here tend to fall into one of two categories, they either have no idea what they have or they don't care, which makes it incredibly hard to find worth while...
  3. Poi-Poi

    Liquid Happiness

    I thought the exact same thing
  4. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    I've been spoiled the last year or so getting nothing but fluff and np and can honestly say I don't know if I could go back to the bullshit that pops up around here. Its all either diluted vials that came from rainbow or its nbome that is passed off as L. Hell even if you do get real L that...
  5. Poi-Poi

    What to do while tripping

    But you should still avoid east saint while tripping it was a terrible time last time I did it lol
  6. Poi-Poi

    What to do while tripping

    Hey mine too lol Everybody needs some poi best stress relief 've ever found and an ungodly amount of fun while tripping
  7. Poi-Poi

    What to do while tripping

    Rollin through east saint is a pretty good description of what not to do while tripping lol but @Mr. Bongwater you don't have a park or something you can chill at? When all my friends actually used to be fun we used to post up in one park all night light a fire and run around like crazy people...
  8. Poi-Poi

    I'm a trippin' hippy...

    You can never go wrong with the dead lol lately I've been jammin Aaron kamm and the one drops id post a video but I'm technologically illiterate lol
  9. Poi-Poi

    Chakra Energies - Education of The Soul

    Lol I didn't end up with the name for no reason
  10. Poi-Poi

    Chakra Energies - Education of The Soul

    McKenna's rants are always amazing
  11. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Even if the it wasn't possible to overdose idk how the hell you enjoy them enough to eat them that often. It may just be me but I absolutely despise the body load that comes with nbomes
  12. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    That would be your best bet as its heat and light that degrade lsd.
  13. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Never cook L, all you would accomplish is destroying your shit.
  14. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    in that case I'll see you there :bigjoint:
  15. Poi-Poi

    Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

    Thank you if I ever come across you in real life I'll spin with you I'm WHODATS personal performer lol
  16. Poi-Poi

    Chakra Energies - Education of The Soul

    I love you too man and yea my laptop crashed years ago I'm on either on a tablet or my phone
  17. Poi-Poi

    Pokeballs back in 2010

    Is it just me or does this dude sketch anyone else out? Sounds to me like Mr. Martinez here goes by the title of officer.