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  1. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    need urgent help!!!!! Guys I thibk she maybe over watered. At first I thought it's a drainage issue as hardly any water was coming out so I poked new holes (very carefully) no water came out so I thought she's not flooded then... 3 days ago she was doing beaut perky, and loving life.. Now today...
  2. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    More pics of her tonight looking so droopy literally 2 days ago completely fine
  3. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    need urgent help!!!!! Guys I thibk she maybe over watered. At first I thought it's a drainage issue as hardly any water was coming out so I poked new holes (very carefully) no water came out 3 days ago she was doing beaut perky, and loving life.. Now today she looked a little droopy so I watered...
  4. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Well guys she's now in pre flower stage as I woke up to find new white hairs all around her nodes so my guess is she's got 2 weeks left before she hits full flowering can't wait to see her tripple in size
  5. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Hey guys woke up the other day to see she's now in the pre flowering stage new white hairs appearing near the nodes so I'd say 2 weeks left untill she hits flowering im sure the pre flowering only lasts 2 weeks hopefully she should tripple in size now
  6. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    She's looking a beaut today 4/5 weeks left in veg
  7. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    She's looking beautiful today
  8. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    #23 Hi guys as you know I normally update once a week with pics.. Think after today I'll start uploading once every 2 weeks as I want to show you guys big growth improvements feel like there's not loads in a week.... Well since being topped this is her now its been over a week since topping...
  9. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Hi guys as you know I normally update once a week with pics.. Think after today I'll start uploading once every 2 weeks as I want to show you guys big growth improvements feel like there's not loads in a week.... Well since being topped this is her now its been over a week since topping. She has...
  10. B

    So I tired this out

    Hi I'm really lost on to why you put a screw/nail through her stalk? Could you explain the science behind this? And what size pot are you using?
  11. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    It's all good bro
  12. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Thank you she is doing beaut isn't she can't wait for her to go into flower
  13. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Thank you can't wait till the end of July for her to go into flower.
  14. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Cheers mate this is her now after being topped 5 days ago..
  15. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Oh you mean it's not an auto don't you??? Lol sorry mate I'm high as fuck tonight
  16. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    No its not a auto mate and from my comment above with pics I had stated I topped her 5 days ago and this is how she's doing lol I was going to fim but decided to top and it seems to have payed off she hasn't been hit hard with to much stress and still growing like mad!
  17. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    I'm not sure what you mean by photo plant? sorry mate
  18. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Oh and no she's not flowering guys still in veg she will flower when the daylight hours change in the UK at the minute it's 30 degree weather which is pretty insane round here and it's light from 6am-10pm
  19. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Cheers for the info mate really so appreciate it from everyone.. I topped her! It was my first ever time doing it watched a few vids just to make sure and this was 4-5 days ago and everything seems fine she did get a bit blown by some heavy winds we had a few days back but I've used a bamboo...
  20. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    I'll leave it a week and upload new pics