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  1. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    My exact thinking. I've eliminated over watering by leaving her 2 days to dry out no perking up I then fed her around 8 liters still nothing with good run off... I'm at work tomrorow but finish early on Fridays so I'm off straight away to get a new pot and compost and see what the hell is going...
  2. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Don't know weather she's over/under watered I really don't mate... I was told to give her a good flush gave her 8 liters and still droopy think all I can do now is leave her a few days with no water at all if that doesn't help I'm going to have to re pot her at the weekend
  3. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Hi guys not great I flushed her with 8 liters of water made 10 new holes I finally got loads of run off water come up but I thibk she's over watered she's still drooping I think now the only plan I have left is 3-4 days no water and if still this fucking droopy I'm re potting to see what's going...
  4. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Well just got back from work and this is her now I definitely think it's an issue with either over/under watering... I'm more swaying towards the over watering side only beacuse after the 8 liters she didn't perk up at all just carried on looking droopy her leaves look okay it's more the...
  5. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thank you for taking the time to write that up really appreciate it.... So starting of with the cooc soil she was in before she was doing amazing in it no issues at all it was just the pot was to small, so she was re potted to this big 40 liter pot around a month and half ago and was doing even...
  6. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Yeah mate I thought pebbles where good gf or drainage I forgot to add them to this pot
  7. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thanks for that mate yeah I'm going to give her a good flush first thing in the morning she's in a 40 liter pot so is 5 liters enough for tomrorow considering I just have her 4 tonight I thibk I have been under watering these last 2 weeks. And it's just compost with added nutes just your...
  8. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Mate that's brilliant I've took your advice massively and I think your right she wasn't over watered maybe under watered if anything.. And since making 8 new holes and giving her more water like you said she's finally fucking got run off water coning out the bottom I gave her 4 liters to see if...
  9. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thanks mate much appreciated oh and she's not auto I made some holes at the bottom and I can see loads of roots gathering I thibk I'm going to re pot tonrorow if she hasn't perked up I'll let you all know how she gets on
  10. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    I normally water every 2-3 days. when the pot becomes light to lift she gets watered but like I say she was watered 2 days ago 2 liters over night became droopy there was no run off water when I watered her the 2 liters so I thought ill give her 3 liters as maybe yesterday wasn't enough causing...
  11. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    I'm using some compost with added nutes, it was cheap but it was the only place I could get due to corona virus as she was re potted in veg and ran out of coco soil
  12. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Yes I understand that but I'm worried there's a drainage problem. So if I was to water her more than 3 liters with a drainage problem she's going to become flooded and probably die. This is where my theory stands to why she has a drainage problem. I'd watered her 2 liters the day before she was...
  13. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    This her today guys dropping even more really thibk that 3 liters has caused this
  14. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Hi guys thank you so much for the replys I've mad another 8 holes this morning the roots at the bottom coming through are fucking insane guys!! Makes me think she is becoming root bound due to her size she's 3 and half foot in a 40 liter tub... I've decided I'm going to leave her today and...
  15. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Thought I had a pic of the bag mate she's in some compost been in the stuff from the start
  16. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Hi mate I really appreciate the reply... The soil she's in I'll post a pic as I totally forgot but have the bag I used.. Drainage was fine untill around 2 weeks ago when I noticed hardly any water coming from the bottom, thought nothing of it just thought I didn't water enough. She gets watered...
  17. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Hi mate thank you for reply, yes she's in pre flower isn't she? I cut more holes last night no water drained, the problem is she is dry as bone!! After 3 liters of water yesterday I felt the top soil and its dry I push my finger an inch deep still dry surely she should feel damp its like she's...
  18. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    This is probably a common question asked in this community but I feel like I have no other choice but to re pot her. she's either root bound or over watered and yes I know that's my own stupid fault as I've had a drainage issue for the last week where I've been seeing hardly any run off water...
  19. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    That's my thinking mate, I've had a drainage issue for the last week hardly any water is coming out and like an idiot I watered her 3 liters today and boom massive drooping!! I'm unsure weather to re pot her with pebbles are the bottom or will it stress her out to much. I was thinking a larger...
  20. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    I'm in the UK mate so temps of around 18-24 the last 2 weeks.. I have a feeling its a drainage issue as for the last few days no water has been coming out and like the fool I am I still watered her 3 liters today. Is it to late on to re pot her? I was thinking putting pebbles at the bottom of...