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  1. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    not sure what first nation is so no lol... are those the moors? ... i just grew up in a not so prestigeous area so a govt. name just means your formal name the ones your parents give you and that is attached to a social security number not any alias' youve assumed over the yrs lol
  2. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    it most definitely does tho
  3. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    thats the term i use for the name thats on my birth cert. and official forms lol
  4. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    your exactly right... im an inspector they dont call it an inspector tho its "product verification specialist" we most definitely have laborers tho they just fancied up the name and still pay us shit
  5. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    definitely was a joke and my boss has a sense of humor and knew it was a joke also. just my way of saying damn with what i make id be better off unemployed thru this not that i want to be... if i told yall what i make youd feel bad for me lol, i am middle class and single so i work my ass off to...
  6. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    typing like a 5th grader because i dont feel the need to use proper punctuation in an improper setting? and im definitely not daft enough to use my government name on a site like this or any site i sign up for for that matter and def not daft enough to use a work device to be on here so no no...
  7. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i was born at night but not last night... yea youd have to be a big dummy to do that fr... i work for boeing and at might site we supply the department of defense so i feel fairly safe that i will stay working thru this unless heaven forbid i get the ronavitus
  8. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    no not penny lol
  9. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

  10. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    im sorry to hear that i def understand that while for some a massage is a luxury and others have medical need ... and my job was quick to give us all letters stating we are "essential employees" to present to law enforcement if stopped.
  11. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i will be 34 this yr and my youngest sister turns 33 this yr so no that is not the case they did a blanket increase on unemployment for the next 6 weeks and yes if youre a hard working american who pays taxes and provides for yourself you would kno that that would be a dumb move but this country...
  12. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

  13. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    some of yall need to lay off the weed cuz your compehension skills are suffering
  14. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    he currently makes 19 an hr so yes he prolly will bring home more even with taxes taken out... i just dont think it should have been a blanket increase on top of what your standard benefit is they shoulda just matched your last income then it wouldnt be an incentive to get fired to game the...
  15. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    nah my dad was laid off he will get his standard benefit of 330 a week plus the 600 weekly stimulus
  16. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    neither... it was meant as a joke but in reality is not a joke.... 900 a week is 22.50 an hr atleast 50 percent of the "essential work force" in the us is makin way less than that while they risk their lives to provide necessities... i am not against upping the unemployment to help those that...
  17. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

  18. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    meaning what?
  19. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i updated it to say unemployment for doing nothin i thought still newish here so not sure how everything works lol
  20. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i sent my boss an email askin her to fire me so i can collect 900$ a week unemployment she told me punch tiffany(coworker) in the face and make her bleed and shell fire me i told her ok then lil later sent her an email sayin tiffs gushin blood you might wanna call her an ambulance she responds...