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  1. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    900 a week sure would be nice
  2. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i feel you on the o.t part... im still working but ive been workin 4 tens and an 8 for 4 yrs i rely on the o.t and thats been cut off while i still have a job i took a big pay cut and i highly doubt id be able to get those benefits under the stimulus
  3. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    you will get your standard benefit your state would give you anyway plus 600 from fed
  4. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    plus the 600$ for covid releif
  5. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    lots of high level execs have "resigned" over it
  6. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i dont work on the planes my facility supplies aircraft parts and parts for the dept of def. and other commercial applications our site is supply chain and yea thats some scary stuff cant be havin planes fallin from the sky
  7. oxvirgoxo

    airflow and capacity/yeild questions

    just have a couple specific question about my grow room plans... ill start with the basic details of what im planning i have a 8×10 room its heated and cooled with the rest of the house and has a ceiling fan in the middle of the room... plan to have (2) 2.5x5x6.5 tents gonna use diy ebb n flow...
  8. oxvirgoxo

    thank you! looking forward to learning alot here

    thank you! looking forward to learning alot here
  9. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i mostly prefer to be alone anyway cant be disappointed by anyone that way lol
  10. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i ended up with a bunch of columbia house cds i paid a penny for too ;-)
  11. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i fear the repercussions of sayin ive never heard that artist before but i was feeling that... and ill earn my keep the old fashioned way youll respect me more later lol
  12. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

  13. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    aol dial up when they would send out the cds for 1024 free hrs to try it out and you just keep using diff cds and signup info lol
  14. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    persistance and patience =nudes ?
  15. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    neo... im pretty sure you would think my facebook is give me a sign... lmao
  16. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

  17. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    so your would prolly benefit from private mode lol
  18. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    so people so swipe to something they aint spose to see lol
  19. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    your nudes... its a secure folder lol
  20. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    well samsung dont know if all androids have it built in