"essential employees"

i fear the repercussions of sayin ive never heard that artist before but i was feeling that... and ill earn my keep the old fashioned way youll respect me more later lol
i mean im a female also... lol
definitely was a joke and my boss has a sense of humor and knew it was a joke also. just my way of saying damn with what i make id be better off unemployed thru this not that i want to be... if i told yall what i make youd feel bad for me lol, i am middle class and single so i work my ass off to be where i am today (meaning the simple shit like having my own house car providing for myself and doing it all on a limited income) thats why i said im too proud to live off the govt. i dont knock those that need the assistance and its a good thing they did something for the thousands this is effecting just dont necessarily believe a blanket increase was the best move... and not that yall are beneath proper grammar and puncuation, just that theres a time and place for everything and knowin your audience is part of that... didnt think a bunch of stoners and or just growers prolly lots of which are doing it illegally would care about punctuation and grammar... that is all... what started as a joke blew a high i didnt even smoke yet lol
Do you by chance work on the 737 ????? If not then which plane ???? Worried travelers want to know.
i dont work on the planes my facility supplies aircraft parts and parts for the dept of def. and other commercial applications our site is supply chain and yea thats some scary stuff cant be havin planes fallin from the sky
neither... it was meant as a joke but in reality is not a joke.... 900 a week is 22.50 an hr atleast 50 percent of the "essential work force" in the us is makin way less than that while they risk their lives to provide necessities... i am not against upping the unemployment to help those that need it but there are those out there that needed the help before this hit and those essential workers riskin their lives are doing it for way less... the dark joke is 900 a week would be incentive to just purposely get fired and end up bringin home more money then you would if you kept working ... i work for boeing im considered an essential employee even tho most airlines are grounded atleast im lucky to have a job for now... 900 a week would be a very decent pay increase for me but i am not one who works the system even tho my tax dollars go to all those govt assistance programs that people do game i do not get any tax breaks nor do i qualify for any of them even tho on my wage it is very tough to pay a 1000 dollar mortgage all the utilities car note car ins and food but i do it and i do it all by my damn self without any help or govt assistance... and besides i wouldnt leave my job because there would be no garauntee of being able to get one once this is over
You don't get 900 a week from unemployment....if your making less than that's to begin with you would be getting like 200 a week