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  1. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    100% false. It makes the branch you spray it with unfit to smoke but the rest of the plant is fine.
  2. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    If you're ruining your entire plant from spraying one branch with cs you're doing it wrong.
  3. bEelzeBosS

    Feminising seed without colloidal silver etc

    Yeah, when I want some pollen to for fem seeds I only spray one branch, a small amount of pollen goes a LONG way. No need ruining your entire plant.
  4. bEelzeBosS

    Barely any taproot

    Next time drop the seed in a shot glass of clean water with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Let it soak 24 hours then plant whether it's showing a taproot or not. I have > 99% success rate with this method. The peroxide isn't a must if you dont have any, it just helps soften the shell quicker.
  5. bEelzeBosS

    Gelato og and peyote gorilla

    Those arent even close to being almost ready
  6. bEelzeBosS

    Anyone ever grown out a mutant like this?

    Its the only one of its age, I stagger my plants but it seems to be growing at a normal pace.
  7. bEelzeBosS

    Anyone ever grown out a mutant like this?

    I've seen pictures of this happening but never had one of my own. I'm a tent grower for now so my space is limited and very valuable, should I toss it or see it through?
  8. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    Disagree, perlite is not necessary with coco at least not in fabric pots. Coco itself holds oxygen a lot better than soil. If your rh is under control, you feed daily until runoff and your plants drain adequately/not sitting in their own runoff root rot should not be an issue. Of course...
  9. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    My advice can only be what has worked successfully for me. Fabric pots 3 gallon size max ( I use 1 gallon, occasionally 2), no perlite except maybe in the very bottom for drainage, keep them elevated so they do not sit in their own runoff, keep coco wet at all times, water (with food) at least...
  10. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    I Use Canna Coco A+B along with their Cannazym and Boost in flower. My fabric pots always end up with salt build-up on the outside after a month or so but its never caused me any issues. As long as the salt doesn't build up inside you should be fine, and the key to that is watering until there's...
  11. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    I guess? I keep them on elevators and keep my grow area clean, maybe that helps. I said it earlier, I honestly didn't even know it was possible to get them in coco. That was the whole reason I switched from soil years ago, I could never get rid of them completely with soil and someone on a...
  12. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    It is true if you use plastic pots you wont have to water as often, but I prefer fabric because I've always gotten a lot better root ball with them.
  13. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    If you're growing indoors 3 gallon pots are the biggest you could possibly need using coco. It requires way less medium than soil. I grow in one gallon fabric pots and my plants still fill up my 8' tall tent.
  14. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    I use fabric pots, dont peroxide anything, never had fungus gnats in coco.
  15. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    I've done side by side with clones twice several years ago...the ones without perlite seemed to respond better, and buds were a bit denser. Not a huge difference but it was noticeable. The perlite is just wasting space the roots could be filling. I do put a layer of perlite at the very bottom of...
  16. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    I use Canna's Coco nute line. I grow in 100% coco, I know a lot of people add perlite but its honestly not needed at all. I treat the bagged coco the same way after adding it to my pots. I know it says it comes pre-rinsed but I still like to give it a good flush with the CalMag/Rhizotonic anyway.
  17. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    FYI if you cant find the bagged Canna Coco locally these bricks are just as good and way cheaper due to ease of shipping. I rehydrate mine with RO water, with CalMag and Rhizotonic added.
  18. bEelzeBosS

    Fungus gnats in coco

    The whole reason I switched to coco 6 years ago was because of fungus gnats, I could slow them down fine but never completely killed them off until the switch. I've never had a single one since switching, I didn't even know it was possible in coco.
  19. bEelzeBosS

    What is causing this? COCO

    Are you positive they are fully saturating all of your medium? I hand water so never an issue for me but I've heard of several people using drippers not fully saturating all of their coco. That can cause many issues, especially salt build-up.
  20. bEelzeBosS

    What is causing this? COCO

    Are your pots sitting on a platform where the excess water (+nutes) can drain properly or are they standing in their own drainage? I grow in 100% coco in fabric pots placed on these (way cheaper locally) and have never had root rot issues. I don't even think its possible with proper drainage and...