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  1. G

    Hydro vegging plants leaf discoloration

    He is wondering now about the next tank he will prepare. Whether he should just do calmag for a while without anything else or do regular nutes and just supplement with a bit of calmag.
  2. G

    Hydro vegging plants leaf discoloration

    He is thinking that the purple in the leds causes the plants to consume more calmag now since he's a pretty seasoned grower and never had these issues. I even found a thread about this:
  3. G

    Hydro vegging plants leaf discoloration

    Thanks man. He'll try some cal mag and epsom salts. Plants aren't really growing the last few days. He also switched to LEDs from HID for this round he told me... any more tips? Trying to help him bc he actually gave me a lot of tips in the beginning.
  4. G

    Hydro vegging plants leaf discoloration

    Hey guys, My buddy started a hydro grow a week ago. They were looking good, but he is getting some leaf discoloration now. He is in europe so some of these values may not be standard, not sure, I grow in soil: Tank: 1.2 ms EC, 22 degrees celsius, 5.8 ph Air: 24 degrees celsius, humidity 50% He...
  5. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Will get the calmag in a couple of days, but got the ground oyster shell I ordered over the weekend today. There was this thread in which this dude talked about oyster shell flour and limestone being soluble, so I'm giving it a shot. Started with 1 tbsp in a gallon of RO water for now. Will feed...
  6. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    It kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion to clean water just to add dirty water back. So you end up with water that's not completely dirty, just a little.. ima try to be a purist on this one and see how it goes lol I ordered the roots organics calmag so I should be straight
  7. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Yup, my tap is like 350 ppm of who knows what, so I'm trying to go completely without it.
  8. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Yup, in theory my supersoil should have everything they need but a buddy including people in here have suggested that you should always put a little something back into RO water to get the ppm up just a little... it's my first time using RO so trying to make sure everything is right since I...
  9. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    So I think I found a quick and ORGANIC solution after researching this for so many hours and being unable to find it on my own, someone in here recommended this one in a different thread. Its derived from kieserite and gypsum!! I'm so happy. Just ordered it. I'll still try the egg shell method...
  10. G

    Organic Calmag TPS

    Yessss. someone recommended this one. Will try it
  11. G

    Trace mineral drops in RO water instead of synthetic CalMag

    Thanks. You've been using the product for a while with great results?
  12. G

    Trace mineral drops in RO water instead of synthetic CalMag

    Wow!! Thank you! I think this is exactly what I've been looking for for days now. Not sure how I haven't come across this one yet. I guess some of the brand names are really similar (general organics has one that is NOT organic and the other popular one calimagic from general hydroponics isn't...
  13. G

    Trace mineral drops in RO water instead of synthetic CalMag

    Both those are not fully organic from what I understand. The only one that should be is this one, but nobody seems to have used it before.
  14. G

    Trace mineral drops in RO water instead of synthetic CalMag

    I hear ya. I created an organic super soil and I'm trying to have lots of microlife happening and I'm just worried the synthetic calmag would be counterproductive for the bacteria to thrive.
  15. G

    Organic soil and RO water

    Great stuff man. When making the vinegar/ egg shell mix, is it better to grind the eggshells up than to just crush them probably, yea? And if doing so, why even strain them out? Why not just leave them in so it all goes into the soil eventually?
  16. G

    Trace mineral drops in RO water instead of synthetic CalMag

    Right, but technically it would be a natural way to remineralize the 0 ppm tap 2 to 3 times a week, correct? My concern with the calimagic etc is that it is not organic and I know I'm prolly overthinking it but I dont want to introduce anything synthetic (nor tap water) this round. For calcium...
  17. G

    Trace mineral drops in RO water instead of synthetic CalMag

    Hey, as part of my day long research on how to add back a little bit into RO water in between the regular nute feedings without adding tap water or synthetic calmag, I thought about using the trace mineral drops I bought for my drinking water. Found one brand that even included "vegetable...
  18. G

    Organic Calmag TPS

    Haha, I was hoping to find someone that has already used it. I guess certain brands are just more popular than others around the grower community (general hydroponics/organics, botanicare).
  19. G

    Organic Calmag TPS

    I'm just starting to understand this, but isn't calcium nitrate the more synthetic form and calcium carbonate natural? They also seem to use fulvic acid in the process which I read good things about. This is from the Q&A section where 1 guy asked what it's made of: A: We start with a highly pure...
  20. G

    Organic Calmag TPS

    I'm going to do a vinegar/eggshell project this week for organic soluble calcium and I have molasses, but I was wondering if anybody has ever used this product. It's the only calmag bottle I found so far that...