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  1. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    1 day shouldn't make a difference. I think it takes at least a few days for them to understand that they are now supposed to produce buds. Damn, 20 gal, what's your grow tent size? Lol
  2. G

    Best soil for organic?

    Buildasoil? Genius, I'll have to check that out. :) Do you guys ever reuse the soil for a second grow?
  3. G

    Best soil for organic?

    So I ended up starting them in solo cups of straight happy Frog from seed. A week later (yesterday), I mixed happy Frog, worm castings, and perlite, as well as 1/4 cup dr earth starter fertilizer mixed in at the top inch of the soil. Watered them with straight RO water and just a bit of Neptunes...
  4. G

    New grow Dr. Earth

    This is my 4th round and I will only use foxfarm soil this time. My plants didnt respond well to the nutes last time, so I'm switching over to Dr. Earth schedule. There is a link to it in the first post of this thread As far as the foxfarm nutes, I didnt feed the first 3 weeks, then added some...
  5. G

    New grow Dr. Earth

    Just transplanted my seedlings from cups into 1 gallons using Fox farm happy Frog as base 30% worm castings 20% perlite Topdress with dr earth starter fertilizer and watered with fresh RO water with just a bit of Neptunes seaweed fertilizer. Lets get growing babies!! They are only like 10 days...
  6. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Thanks for the advice. My RO is installed and ready to go. :) This next grow will be my 4th. So far I've only stuck to foxfarm products and will finish this grow with them. Trying my luck with organic dr. Earth dry amendments next time. Hydro is something I may try down the line but probably not...
  7. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    My plan is to throw my ph down bottle in the trash.
  8. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    Nice. I got mine from seedsman. Took a while but they are looking good, currently week 6 of flower. They could look even better but I had a ph issue this cycle, so will correct that next time.
  9. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Rookie mistake. I was trying to get my water to around 6.3 for every watering which required like half a tsp of ph down per gallon thanks to my 350 ppm tap water. live and learn. Got my RO system yesterday and will use dr earth dry amendments instead of fox farm bottle nutes for this round...
  10. G

    My Indoor Grow Journal (Organics/LEDs)

    Nice, where did you order the seeds from?
  11. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Just got my RO and installed. My regular tap was at 350. After RO it's at 2. Amazing! Boiled some egg shells in the water and it's back up to 40 ppm. What ppm range do you guys shoot for, for the straight (calcium) waterings? Somebody said 100-150 I think. I have the seedlings in straight fox...
  12. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Bro, I wanted to say that but then I was like, let me leave this guy alone hahahaha
  13. G

    RO Water

    Just got my RO and installed. My regular tap was at 350. After RO it's at 2. Amazing! Boiled some egg shells in the water and it's back up to 40 ppm. What ppm range do you guys shoot for, for the straight (calcium) waterings? Somebody said 100-150 I think. I have the seedlings in straight fox...
  14. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Lol, your energy is still off. Try to let go of the tension. Also, the link to "facts" is just another company trying to sell products, so you are contradicting yourself. I suggest getting your "facts" from a source that is not affiliated with any business that sells water systems and has a "get...
  15. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    I'm kind of tempted to get this and add a tiny bit to every watering. I'll use slow release dry amendments from dr earth and fox farm soil, so I know there are minerals already, but what you...
  16. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Installed! I have a small leak I'll have to take care of in the morning, just put a cup there for now. It's not too bad for now. Ppm went from around 350 to 2!!! Amazing. Ph is still around 7.40. Is this normal? I read it should be around 6? Will the living soil correct itself? Or should I still...
  17. G

    RO Water

    Sooo, I know we said the living soil already has calcium and then we discussed the egg shell method, but now I'm seeing this product. Seems to be all organic. Thoughts? Maybe put a tiny bit into the RO water every time before watering? There are a lot of questions and answers about using the...
  18. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Thanks, I gotta finish work and then run to the store to get a wrench, but yea... I'll see how it goes and let you know.
  19. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    I'm not trying to prove you wrong or nothing but a simple google search will yield many articles that claim that RO water not only has 0 minerals, but that it will also leach minerals from the body that you consumed with your food. Might be worth the 15 bucks for the drops just to be safe...
  20. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Received. Now to installation...