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  1. G

    Flowering time

    Oh nice, yea thanks for that breakdown. I let mine veg for over 2 and a half months so going to keep counting from when I switched. :) The lower ones are always slower to finish and it's just so painful. Day 42 and most of the upper ones are already showing brown hair.
  2. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    I'm gonna go organic for my next grow with dr earth dry amendments and wont be using ph down.
  3. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Would it fit the one we have?
  4. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Lol, yea, you can apparently buy these drops on amazon.
  5. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    Haha, nice. Do you remineralize your water before drinking it? If so, link again, pls. Thanks so much for the info!
  6. G

    Soil runoff 5.5 due to daily watering with ph down?

    I just ordered mine. Did you buy a separate container for the clean water? Have a link?
  7. G

    Flowering time

    Sure, just curious since people can't seem to agree. Jack herer, northern lights and super silver haze, day 41 (from switch).
  8. G

    Flowering time

    Do you guys start counting from switch or from first sight of flower?
  9. G

    RO Water

    Ya, my main worry is any kinds of chloramine since it doesn't evaporate like chlorine does. Dont want to do everything right with the organics and then kill the life with the tap. But have we reached a consensus on this: no cal mag bottled products, just topdress, maybe teas, but other than...
  10. G

    RO Water

    Haha, @maranibbana ,I'm probably gonna get an RO to make sure I dont kill any life in my organic soil with the nasty city tap and I was asking whether i should put back any calcium or magnesium into the water after the RO process.
  11. G

    New grow Dr. Earth

    So judging by your last sentence, it sounds like you are using tap water? I'm thinking about getting an RO to filter my city tap water. Also when you make your tea, do you put stuff in a cheesecloth or sock or just straight into the water?
  12. G

    New grow Dr. Earth

    If you only have time for 1 question, pls let me know about your water.
  13. G

    New grow Dr. Earth

    @Hash Hound I have so many questions, let's be friends :D What about your water? Do you use RO, what soil? Add earth worm castings? Is the schedule from the owner from the first message in this thread pretty accurate in terms of when to introduce the different fertilizers and pls tell me more...
  14. G

    RO Water

    3c of vinegar? What is c? Also wont the vinegar drop the ph of the RO water like crazy? And how often do you use this? Also if you say avoid (epsom) salt, how do I supplement the magnesium? I have Neptunes Harvest Seaweed Fertilizer 0-0-1 dies that have some magnesium @maranibbana ?
  15. G

    New grow Dr. Earth

    Hi babies ❤
  16. G

    RO Water

    Can you boil the egg shells for 20 minutes with the epsom salt and then just leave the water standing out overnight before straining it?
  17. G

    RO Water

    I'm gonna use dr earth lineup this time. You might want to look at this product @Dtownhellbilly
  18. G

    RO Water

    Yes @PJ Diaz I was concerned since I'm not really gonna use any liquid nutes other than dr earth 3-3-3 solution and seaweed extract. Everything else is dry amendments so I will basically only ro water the plants. And how about ph. I'm trying to steer away from ph up and down bottles.
  19. G

    RO Water

    Probably gonna do the egg shell and epsom salt thing quite often to be sure. I'm also using foxfarm soil right now and i was planning on getting more and use dr earth dry amendments. From what I understand foxfarm soil is organic as well as big Bloom, grow big and tiger Bloom are not.
  20. G

    RO Water

    How about boiling egg shells in RO water and adding epsom salt and then mixing a bit of that with the regular RO water?