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  1. D

    Were 2 Get Supplies 4 A Pipe

    I'd go out to your yard grab a knife find a piece of wood =)
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    Supplies for fungi

    just order spores from a US based dealer and you will be fine. if it comes from over sea's there is always a chance customs will look at it.
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    Issues With Ph and Maintaining Ph In DWC (Using AN ph perfect) HELP!

    there are also many things you could add to your system to stabilize ph....... sadly most of those things are rocks, or sand. and require you to add a new chamber to your setup. lava rock works but you cant just throw rocks in your set up you have to set it up aside from your hydroponics like a...
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    Is this a banana?

    I fucking love you man laugh my ass off!
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    cocaine - help

    I have never been able to tolerate drunk people. I don't go out to public events I don't want to have to knock the shit out of a drunk guy and then get killed by the cop when he try's to put hand cuffs on me. seen a man raped in jail SO now I'm ride or die.
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    Play music for your plants to make them happy

    I personally think it helps things flow.The beat allows better movement and jostling of organics within the plant. may even help stimulate cell reproduction.
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    M. hostilis??

    Thank you sir! you guys are awesome with the help!
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    well I live in the south east any plants you would recommend that are common. I was only focused...

    well I live in the south east any plants you would recommend that are common. I was only focused on mimosa because they seem to have a steady % of dmt.
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    Getting Your Pet High Too? ?

    I have a female cat that doesn't beg for it or anything but if you give her a shotgun she accepts the smoke takes a few deep breaths then goes and cleans herself. she has recently become a 100% inside cat and when I smoke the past 2 weeks she has started to try to get my attention and wants to...
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    M. hostilis??

    many of the acacia do produce DMT. anyone know if this one does. ultimately I want a M. hostilis. but if I can use this to get my first round of DMT I might.
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    M. hostilis??

    thanks for the ID on that. I'm going to keep looking where I live in. I'm in south east so I hear it's common plant in my area.
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    can you check out my post for a M.hostilis id?

    can you check out my post for a M.hostilis id?
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    If I add Beneficial Bacteria to my organic nutrients, will I still need to empty my Reservior?

    I use a gravity feed filter in my system it's 1.7 gal filled with fiber mesh. set up kind of like a salt water fish tank. has a 250gph pump running 24/7 I never remove water only add about 2.5 gal every week + new set of neuts. have fish in the system too.
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    Are airstones the best way to aerate reservoirs?

    I use to put a air stone that messures 1.5 inches in a 2 inch pipe. put holes in bottom and run it like a old school air pump powered fish filter I feel the rushing water with air bubbles helps as well.
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    M. hostilis??

    found a 30 ft tree just praying...
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    these damn things I get them out my room and they found a home in my watermelon garden..... hehe back to the garlic and pepper sprays. no comments needed just sharing life story hehe.
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    R.I.P. Bruce Wayne

    sad sad day =( I remember watching that every morning as a child.
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    slow jar growth

    0 light unless I open box to look, which is every other day. 76-80 degrees depending on time of day I used a still air box no gloves bleach, boiled water and sprayer. turned off all air in house sprayed counter top laid a towel out, sprayed towel then turned SAB upside down over towel and worked...
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    slow jar growth

    I got 4 jars injected and 2 1lb bags, one of each are only showing about 10% growth while others are at 80%. anything I should do for the slow growers or just let them ride?