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  1. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    Jeff, I hear what you are saying. You have it backward about where one is most likely to get busted by that is beside the point. What you, like many are not seeing is that there are many people who's brains have been so strongly conditioned toward failure oriented conduct that they are...
  2. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    There is no easy answer to why some children from a given home turn out different that others. Mainly, because it is a huge mistake to assume that parents treat all their children equally. The psychology in these cases gets pretty deep and involved. But you should be careful not to assume...
  3. RickWhite

    legalize or decrimilize

    You need to learn to compartmentalize. Just because you like doing something and think people ought to have a right to do it, doesn't mean it ought to be held up as an example for all to follow. If a dietitian enjoys eating cheese cake and pizza, it doesn't mean he should recommend it as part...
  4. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    I think all new business' that earn under a given amount should not pay taxes for the first 5 years. If you want to stimulate the economy and create jobs, that is one way to do it. Now, Obama is considering a VAT tax. I am in manufacturing and wouldn't even know what to do with that. Just...
  5. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    You're missing the point. Many people as a result of things that happen in their childhood are rendered incapable of making good decisions and conducting themselves in a manner conducive to success. The fact is, their parents did not equip them with the necessary tools. You can't expect a kid...
  6. RickWhite

    legalize or decrimilize

    I'm not really sure what you are saying. I am for freedom to do as one chooses as long as it doesn't affect others. For instance, if one wants to beat their dick like it owes them money, it is their own business. But if you do it in the middle of a restaurant, we are going to have a problem...
  7. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    I never complained at all - you missed the point. I know perfectly well that I will get what I pay for - that was my point. My point, was that if a man in his peak earning years is applying for a $10 per hour job, it is probably because he is a fuck up with a poor work ethic and not because...
  8. RickWhite

    Super Pruning

    I'm also thinking it might be good at harvest time to harvest all the main colas about two weeks prior to harvesting the rest of the plant.
  9. RickWhite

    Truth oR Fact?

    In the spirit of the opening of baseball season I would like to say that Undertheice really got a piece of that one as usual. Not long ago I read a book called "Influence" by Robert Chialdini. It was one of those truly amazing eye opening works. In it, he discusses the subconscious nuts and...
  10. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    Congratulations. I love a good tattoo shop. I hope you do great work and run an ethical operation. I hate those places with one good artist that brings people in and then a bunch of stamp art hacks that they pass people off to. I am in manufacturing and while we are a small operation we did...
  11. RickWhite

    legalize or decrimilize

    Even in Amsterdam pot is technically illegal - it is decriminalized. The problem with full legalization is that it would put the full force of the free market behind the pot industry which wouldn't be good. People need to realize how easily the public can be persuaded into doing things and...
  12. RickWhite

    Why the Obama economics plan is working -

    Full stop. What the Senator actually said was that the bill is a baby killer. Why should we believe anything this man says when he begins his article with a lie and a character assassination of everyone opposing Obama's policies? Then, he goes on to quote Paul Krugman, a radical Left...
  13. RickWhite

    Let me get this straight...

    Guys, while all of you may have valid points, I don't want this thread to get off topic. I want to hear answers to my questions from those who are always whining about how unfair everything is and how the rich have stacked the deck so that the poor can not succeed. My intention is to bring...
  14. RickWhite

    Super Pruning

    There is a mechanism in plants whereby the hormone auxin cases the main shoots to grow much faster than the side branches or their branchlets. This results in a plant that grows tall with more sparse growth and little to no growth (and therefore buds) at the minor nodes. There should be a...
  15. RickWhite

    Let me get this straight...

    Where do you live Manhattan? McD's around here pays around minimum wage as do all fast food places. It would be rare to find any entry level position in the Mid West that pays more than $8-$10 per hour. I think your average big box store starts at around $8 on the books for an adult - maybe...
  16. RickWhite

    Truth oR Fact?

    Pot is illegal because they don't want kids abusing it and not doing what they ought to be. It is a valid concern. Of course, we all know there are better ways of keeping kids off drugs than what we are doing now. If you ask me, the huge numbers of pot smoking slackers we have in this...
  17. RickWhite

    Half of US pays no Fed tax.

    What difference does it make? There are many definitions of success. If I had to define success in general terms, I would say that any good person who builds for their self a healthy and happy life is successful. Failure however, is easy to define. Any person who thinks that other people...
  18. RickWhite

    Let me get this straight...

    Come on, with as many opinions people have on this issue I'd expect numerous responses. I guess when you boil off all the bombast and get down to brass tacks, people suddenly have nothing to say - it figures.
  19. RickWhite

    Let me get this straight...

    I keep hearing all this chatter on how if someone doesn't pay a person a livable wage they are "part of the problem." This livable wage seems to be based on the needs of a family of four regardless of who is likely to be doing the work or what the work is worth. So, let me get this straight...
  20. RickWhite

    Did anyone hear about are U.S troops killing kids?

    Wow! Evidently, many of you have already convicted our troops of war crimes without even seeing any actual evidence. While we do not know if any of this is true, we can be absolutely sure that you people hate your country and our military.