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  1. CornerStone

    Bit of crispy yellowness at end of leaf tips

    I use GH flora nova too. that shit is good and concentrated! A little bit o nute burn its not a big problem but I recomend you to lower your nutes a bit. its better to fix lacking than fix burning.
  2. CornerStone

    Bit of crispy yellowness at end of leaf tips

    slow down the nutes a little. she will be okay
  3. CornerStone

    New Roleadro 3000k led lights. Toughts?

    maybe this one. it says it pull 65W from the wall. But I believe that there is more lumens and mor penetration.
  4. CornerStone

    New Roleadro 3000k led lights. Toughts?

    thanks! Will keep an eye here
  5. CornerStone

    New Roleadro 3000k led lights. Toughts?

    good. could you recomend some cob led for my space?
  6. CornerStone

    New Roleadro 3000k led lights. Toughts?

    how small? How many grams you think I can get from this (127 true watts) light in a 40cm X 60cm X 120mm tent?
  7. CornerStone

    New Roleadro 3000k led lights. Toughts?

    Hello everyone I recently purchased this new led from Roleadro Just want to know if anyone knows whats all about this new yeallowish led panels. I know that the magority of people are buying cree panel lights but My tent is just 40cm x 60cm x 120cm so I was afraid not having enough space for...
  8. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Yes, I will try only organics on my next grow. this time I have to play with what I choose, but anyway like I told you, Im not sure that biothrive its 100% organic. I will keep posting pictures of this grow and we see what happend. Thanks for your help Bro!
  9. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Good to know that buddy, I mixed my soil with spagnum, vermiculite and worm castings. Recently I have transplante them to a 7 liters pot with the same mix. I will let the roots grow and cut the feeding until she show me signs of defs. Like I told above, I can spray some epson salts in case there...
  10. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Im using biothrive. they said that everything is organic food but its nutrients in a bottle anyway. Whats yout thoughts?
  11. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Hey Danny, I have some epson salts here, I will wait a little bit cause they are recovering from a lock out. and if it spreads I will hit them with epson salts.
  12. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Thats exaclty what I think it happened. Thanks for the input. I will let her alone and just give plain ph water for a bit. maybe spray some epson salts if mag def increase.
  13. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    I will try that but I dont think I ovewatered at all. I always let the pots dry out well before water again. Also if you take a lot at the new photos I transplanted the plants and the roots looked really good, clear and white. Lets se what happends next. Thanks for your help bro!
  14. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    The temperatures are staying from 22c to 25c. Im not able to measure the temperature on roots. the humidity is 40%
  15. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Yes, they were. Everytime I water I ph the water to 6.0 but the runoff always comes higher like 7 - 7.2. The last time I watered with 5.8 ph. but didnt check the runoff, Waiting for the next watering. Like you said I will let her do her thing and wait the pots dry. after I watering will check...
  16. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Thanks anyway! I will wait for someone else opinion before do anything. I will just let the posts dry. And be pacient
  17. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    I dont know if they are still burning, or hungry at all. My guess is that after the flush they were recovering from burning but in the same way start a def. Is that possible!?
  18. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Thanks for your response. 3 days have passed and the new growth seems ok, but they are showing signs of deficiency or they are just recovering from the nute burn? plant1: plant2: plant1: plant2: What you think?