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  1. CornerStone

    Nute burn/deficiency. Any help?

    Its been 3 weeks since the girls sprouted. 6 days ago after coming back from a weekend trip I notice that the plants was showing some signs of nutrient burn. Flushed both and 3 days after the burning stoped. After that, 2 or 3 days I notice that the flush took almost all nutriens that have left...
  2. CornerStone

    Royal Queen Euphoria CBD - 200w LED DIY box

    Its been 3 weeks since the girls sprouted. 6 days ago after coming back from a weekend trip I notice that the plants was showing some signs of nutrient burn. Flushed both and 3 days after the burning stoped. After that, 2 or 3 days I notice that the flush took almost all nutriens that have left...
  3. CornerStone

    Is this a wise choice for a new led!?

    Do you guys send to Brazil? Im considering in buy one of those lights.
  4. CornerStone

    Royal Queen Euphoria CBD - 200w LED DIY box

    Just a quick update: Water the babies today, they are in 5 liters pots and they are taking 6-7 days to dry out nicely. Later I will post some picture of them with 2 week since sprouted.
  5. CornerStone

    Problem diagnosis please help plant drooping

    Pictures will help. Maybe you are overwatering them? Let the pots dry out nicely before you water again.
  6. CornerStone

    What's going on ? Need help !

    They look hungry to me, feed them! Also if you take a look at the stems you will notice a purple color, thats because they are lacking calcium magnesium.
  7. CornerStone

    Royal Queen Euphoria CBD - 200w LED DIY box

    Yes I did. Lot of work but at least I got the same color as my wall. Thanks bro
  8. CornerStone

    Royal Queen Euphoria CBD - 200w LED DIY box

    Acttualy Im not using carbon filters yet. I buyed some small carbon filter that I can put outside the box, Just wainting for the delivery. I can post some pictures after
  9. CornerStone

    Royal Queen Euphoria CBD - 200w LED DIY box

    Thanks bro, try to do my best here!
  10. CornerStone

    Royal Queen Euphoria CBD - 200w LED DIY box

    Hello Everyone :leaf: I'm about to start a new grow and I would like to share with you my first steps. I'm building a small wood box (40cm x 60cm x 125cm). Trying to keep as much stealth as I can, will put some 2x Akasa Viper 120mm computer fans for intake and 2 140mm for outake. Their max...
  11. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    yeah those cheap china leds work well.. But you have to keep an eye o the distance. dont put it too close cause you can bur your plants.
  12. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Hey matte unfortunatelly I have to move to another place so I gave her to a friend.. Im working on a new DIY project to keep the grow going. I will show you guys my new project. will take some clones from her with this friend! Thanks for ask! Cheers
  13. CornerStone

    Please help!!

    Yeah the pot doesnt seem to be dry at all. I would wait I little bit more, the plant is still developing. Im not sure about your nute burn, your plant shuldnt be burning at 30ppm.
  14. CornerStone

    Please help!!

    Let it dry well them start feeding it slow. You will be ok
  15. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Thanks matte, hope everuthing goes well!
  16. CornerStone

    Please help!!

    She looks health to me. Just leave it alone a little bit, she will grow nicely :lol:
  17. CornerStone

    Is This Start Of Nute Burn Or Lights Too Close?

    Looks healthy to me buddy
  18. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Yeah I will Try and see whats best for me.. The 100w led with clf complement is a good idea! Thanks, for the observation:weed:
  19. CornerStone

    Small DIY box - 150w Led

    Thanks for your reply buddy... I will take a look at the thread!