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  1. B

    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    I give each plant 1 gallon of water every other day, except when its 90degrees+ here in norcal, then I do it daily. 5ml - or 2 teaspoons of Floranova 4-8-7 per gallon. I have been getting yellow dying leaves for most of the grow - not just now in flowering. Should I up the nute dosage in your...
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    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    my plants are in foxfarm soil, 5 gallon pots
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    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    thanks speedwell. So you think I should keep my nutes going all the way to harvest? Everyone keeps saying my planst are sick and 'starving' becasue of the leaf color, but no one seems to suggest changing my feeding approach...
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    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    wow, half of you say Don't Flush - the other half say Flush. A few of you say - don't flush at all, but others say Flush the shit out of it for 6 weeks! lol And am I giving the right nutes? floranova 4-8-7, 5ml in 1 gallon per plant, every other day. If they are starving - should I increase...
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    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    floranova 4-8-7, 5ml in 1 gallon per plant, every other day. Check the PH each time and been trying to keep it around 6.0 what else should I do? Should I up the food dosage? They don't seem to need more then a gallon of water every other day at most...
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    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    I inherited the plants, they were nute deprived....then PH was off...that is better now been feeding them every other day....I can't seem to get them to stay green
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    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    2 plants. First two pics are same plant, second 2 pics are same plant. When do you think I should start flushing and for how long? I am thinking 2 more weeks of nutes then a flush, but would love some thoughts
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    Ready to harvest?

    Think 2 more weeks? 4? Appreciate your feedback
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    Ready to harvest?

    Found her leaning today, buds are heavy and dense, red pistils, trichomes…unsure. Thoughts?
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    Nute overload or deficiency? Need Help!

    2 tsp/gallon is almost 10ml. Should I use that much, or should I use 1/4 that amount after I flush the plant as Herb & Suds suggests? Curious what you think...
  11. B

    Nute overload or deficiency? Need Help!

    If I can get this today and start it - can I save my buds?? Floranova 4-8-7 or 7-4-10..?
  12. B

    Nute overload or deficiency? Need Help!

    So should I add nitrogen? Yes bloom only. I inherited the plants so been learning on the fly. If it’s already got lots of p\K. What specific nutrients would you use ? I really appreciate your help
  13. B

    Nute overload or deficiency? Need Help!

    I think my plants are still about 4 weeks from harvest, but all the leaves are turning yellow, curling, and dying. I was giving them about 1 gallon of water every other day, every day during 95degrees or more outside (I am in NorCal) And I was giving them about 4-5ml of TPS Bloom each watering...
  14. B

    Nute burn or deficiency?? Please Help!

    I think my plants are still about 4 weeks from harvest, but all the leaves are turning yellow, curling, and dying. I was giving them about 1 gallon of water every other day, every day during 95degrees or more outside (I am in NorCal) And I was giving them about 4-5ml of TPS Bloom each watering...
  15. B

    Ready to harvest soon??

    BEAUTIFUL! So Jacks 10-20-30 says to use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. But you use 1.5 tablespoons per 5 gallons of water? And you give each plant typically 1 gallon per day? Does it make a difference that my plants are potted and not int he ground?
  16. B

    Ready to harvest soon??

    thank you. I have been giving each plant 4ml of TPS Bloom 0.4 - 5.0 - 3.0 per each watering, which is about every other day. Every day when its 95degrees+ here in NorCal. If I give each plant about 2.5 gallons of water each time, should I give each more like 10ml of Bloom each time? Sorry for...
  17. B

    Ready to harvest soon??

    thanks. So the aggressively dying leaves curling up, turning yellow, etc is all normal? the buds and sugar leaves look fine, but everything below the top looks like its dying
  18. B

    Ready to harvest soon??

    I am a newbie and inherited 8 plants a few months ago when they were each already 2-4 weeks. So I think they are 8-12 weeks old. I have done my best with them, and they are budding..some nicely..although all the fan leaves are turning yellow, curling, and falling off. The trichomes look milky...