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  1. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

  2. Unnk

    Tips and tricks for fixing damaged drywall? The home repair DIY thread.

    dude mesh tape alone is not a stopper i said this before and if you read before i work as a contractor any contractor fills the hole THEN MESH TAPES edit ps im sure my commercial clients love that i leave bubbles in their walls get real dude any hole over a quarter inch needs to be filled...
  3. Unnk

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    colibri is just as good as vector the 2 show no diff in quality of hash
  4. Unnk

    Tips and tricks for fixing damaged drywall? The home repair DIY thread.

    the bad idea's coming from you leaving a empty hole is DUMB the moisture during the season change cause a bubble out you shouldnt have to sand mcuh at all if at all if your doing things right
  5. Unnk

    Tips and tricks for fixing damaged drywall? The home repair DIY thread.

    lol im guessing you pick lots of dustpaintballs out your rollers/paint brushes dust will cause an annoyance and a poor stick to the wall ive done several walls in my life and ill tell you this if i didnt do a dust wipe i would have had a heart attack at the annoyance your a cut corner...
  6. Unnk

    Tips and tricks for fixing damaged drywall? The home repair DIY thread.

    i havent used bin before i was using rustoleum beforei used kilz
  7. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

    neosapien you know me to well :D
  8. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

  9. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

    white rice and sticky rice are practicaly the same thing just one has less gluten
  10. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

    read that wiki artical thats sticky rice its just still has all the gluten in it you know how you see the stuff on the shelfs gluten freee well gluten is what makes it sticky
  11. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

    white rice is much liek a super food you can stuff your ass full and not worry mcuh about it lol
  12. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

    lol i have lots of bulk everything i loveeeeeeeeee to coook
  13. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

    yep tis is why i made sweet rice my choice my wife begs me to make it and i cant deny its the bomb but i enjoy white rice or wild rice now and then
  14. Unnk

    Advice on shipping bud to the east coast

    yes but in the same sense alot of the times the care packages get scanned dependent on the campus rules its like the wild west their they can do lots of stuff you couldnt normaly do under the guise of campus safety
  15. Unnk

    Advice on shipping bud to the east coast

    yeesh honestly any mail going to a campus is kinda funny
  16. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?
  17. Unnk

    Rice- Does it have your respect?

  18. Unnk

    Advice on shipping bud to the east coast

    ifi ts a package have the sign on delivery presigned so it can just be left at the address
  19. Unnk

    Advice on shipping bud to the east coast

    your gettin to funny area man but hypothetically its possible but highly risky as any fake names /addys are red flags for the postal service as well when its going across state lines its a even bigger risk but that beings said ive mailed a eight cross state lines sucessfully for a...
  20. Unnk

    Tips and tricks for fixing damaged drywall? The home repair DIY thread.

    stinky aint the word man more like fucking caustic to the nasal pasages loll