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  1. bobtokes

    10 Years in Prison For Online Pirates a Step Closer in the UK

    this makes me laugh, half the violent crims are getting shorter sentences than they should be getting because the prisons are crammed with foreigners, but they'll make room for copyright infringement, sez it all
  2. bobtokes

    Please help, Over my head

    when i flip my plants, for the first 3 weeks of flower i leave the MH bulb in, as the plants are still effectively vegging it will reduce the stretch as the MH bulb will provide more of the white light spectrum the plant is using, if you use a HPS bulb for the first few weeks of 12/12 you will...
  3. bobtokes

    Please help, Over my head

    well i am surprised, LOL
  4. bobtokes

    Please help, Over my head

    i always thought plants stretch when the light is weak and far away ?
  5. bobtokes

    Good idea, bad idea?

    i dont bother about how high the humidity is for the first couple of weeks of the stretch, once you flip um they will soon soon dry those pots out
  6. bobtokes

    Good idea, bad idea?

    when i need to run a dehumidifier i always point the intake/fresh air hose directly at the dehumidifier so it passes through the dehumidifier before circulating around the room
  7. bobtokes

    Sick Plants First time coco

    nah, quite confident what i have said is reasonable advice just lookin for the opinion of a more experienced coco grower thats all, no need to be shitty, we are british after all
  8. bobtokes

    HELP...leaves turning yellow way too early in flower

    from what you have said you might have sorted the problem with the flush and plain waterings, but have been a bit late reintroducing the nutes after the reset
  9. bobtokes

    Sick Plants First time coco

    theres not going to be any nutes left in that compost that haven't been used or flushed out by now, just buffers left, imho so your saying ph between 6.5- 7.0 in a 95% coco media, wheres @coreywebster when you need him
  10. bobtokes

    HELP...leaves turning yellow way too early in flower

    bit more info would be good, like media what are you phing at , what are you feeding them and how much ?
  11. bobtokes

    Sick Plants First time coco

    if you look at the chart PH ing at 5.8 constantly will lock out calcium and MG altogether, you need to vary the ph over a week to catch all of the elements that the plant needs you say 1/18th of your media is soil which works out about 5%, that will not make any difference to the ph treat it...
  12. bobtokes

    Sick Plants First time coco

    the reason your getting MG def is your PH is too low for proper uptake of cal/mag,let it drift up to 6.5 a couple of times a week, also dont let your coco dry out completely
  13. bobtokes

    little help

    if you keep your ph at 5.8 you will lock out cal/mag, let it drift upto 6.5 the twisty leaves could be a temps issue if not PH
  14. bobtokes

    Can someone try and diagnose my problem

    too much N, and cal/mag deficiency, try letting your ph rise to 6.3 so you dont lock out cal/mag
  15. bobtokes

    Blueberry Grow Blog

    you should PH around 6.5 or you will get deficiencies, 5.7/6.0 PH levels are for coco
  16. bobtokes

    Can i feed nutes after using flushing agent?

    i usually flush for 7-10 days, until i see autumnal coloured leaves (purples and yellows) then i know the plant is using the nutes stored in the leaves
  17. bobtokes

    Can i feed nutes after using flushing agent?

    if your using canna A/B as i do, your plants should look green and healthy there should be enough nutes stored in the leaves to finish, so i would carry on with the plain water
  18. bobtokes

    Post your favourite "leaf problem" chart/poster

    new growers should read charts like this first, then they might not need pictures of deficient leaves
  19. bobtokes

    Got spider mites

    after i sprayed with pyrethrum the first time i didn't see any live mites just eggs, i soaked the foliage good and proper, then followed up with the neem every few days to kill the hatching mites, worked a treat, and very cheap compared to other products, hit um hard the first time i think is...