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  1. InstantBeef

    nfl fans

    Whisper it quietly ... It's November and the Brownies are top of the AFC north and still in the playoff hunt . Oh and last years leader in reviving yards comes back in one more games time .
  2. InstantBeef

    Lighting Help

    Doesn't have to massive plant or take ages , but it does need some structure before you can flower . I have a very short veg period compared to most but that suits my style of grow, if you go by the rough assumption that it will double in size from when it switches to flower you can see it has...
  3. InstantBeef

    Anybody want to guess what she is on? Lol

    1st looks like regretamine too me . Number 2 not so sure if it was Scottish I'd say buckfast but not sure how well that travels. This is my fave...
  4. InstantBeef

    Lighting Help

    Forget about harvesting in two months even if it's a fast flowering strain( any idea what strain?) it would mean flowering it in the next week. If your planing on growing more you'll learn a lot more from doing things in there own time . The only way to speed things up is how long you veg for ...
  5. InstantBeef

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all! Used the site for many years but first time as a member. Been growing on and off for 15 years, recently returned from a long sabbatical due to housing situation and work. I use a pretty simple ebb and flow system in a 1.2 tent and tend to scrog . I grew Og for years and am just getting a...