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  1. CNN

    Airstones Dying

    Had the same problem as you. I found some stainless sheet metal screws that screw into the end of my air lines. They never get plugged, they don't react with the solution. You want more air you un-screw them some, less air screw them in more. You'll never have to buy an air stone again.
  2. CNN

    Fans on during lights off?

    Yah mine run all the time to.
  3. CNN

    When does flowering begin?

    What's a bmeat? if you got a problem with what I'm saying. I'm all ears for an educated response. if not move along.
  4. CNN

    what do they call these ?

    thats very true, and males grow long and stretchy. Take a close look at the top node the back side of it. It could be a stipule, could be a hair. Hard to tell from this side of the plant. It looks very white in the picture.
  5. CNN

    what do they call these ?

    Whats catly? you talking about cats? its not stretching, its a male. How do you know it's 3 weeks old? OP never says its age. hey OP. take a picture of the node above your circle, back side of the plant. at first I thought it might be a stipule, but after a closer look it appears very white.
  6. CNN

    what do they call these ?

    the node above your circle. There is sign of sex on the back side of that node. I only see one hair, the stem is blocking the view.
  7. CNN

    really need help with how loud my pc fans are

    Make a muffler box for them.
  8. CNN

    When does flowering begin?

    You answered your own question. Flowering begins when your plant starts producing pistils under a 12/12 light cycle. Usually 4-7 days after being in a 12/12 light cycle. it's one thing to put a plant to flower, and a whole other thing to say your plant has begun to flower. To much nitrogen will...
  9. CNN

    Zoloft mixed with urine, at 50 mg per 500 ml, is good for plants???

    The root has a layer called the caspian strip it controls what the root can uptake. You'd probly have to inject that witches brew into the stem for it to be absorbed by the plant.
  10. CNN

    First clone attempt, feedback

    Ignorance is Bliss....
  11. CNN

    Got my ppm pen, now what? What am i looking for, what do numbers mean?

    Only use your filtered water. your filter systems taken out all your minerals. You need to get them back. go to the website of your nutrients. They should have a feeding schedule.
  12. CNN

    First clone attempt, feedback

    I get a kick how everyone calls a cutting a clone. Clones have roots, cuttings don't. It's funny seeing your cuttings under all that light, they don't have roots to uptake anything. some how people still think they need all that light.
  13. CNN

    reguler vs fem

    So you can only clone from a regular plant. Hmm and you can only make seeds from a regular plant. Hmmm. That's ground breaking man. They make this stuff its called colloidal silver. I make my own seeds all the time. there not hermaphrodites, Works great. I don't know why people think all...
  14. CNN

    Ok I went to a Hydro Store " WTF "

    You usually get what you pay for unless you go to see a doctor or a lawyer but everything else you get what you pay for.
  15. CNN

    Please advise.

    WoW- just had a flash back.
  16. CNN

    Should I harvest?

    LOL yes they sound like children. An adult wouldn't act like that. Very true, unless there retarded. LOL
  17. CNN

    First clone attempt, feedback

    Do they have roots?
  18. CNN

    My plants are not flowering?!?

  19. CNN

    Can you fail with hydro?

    You can fail at anything.