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  1. danknugg

    Would you? for a Million tax free?

    That'd be almost $1400 an hour continuously, or about a whole month of min wage in a hour. It's like a wet dream where you wake up with new boxers.
  2. danknugg

    18 hour light during end of flowering

    Do it, and report your findings with lots of pics. Doubt it's a good idea though.
  3. danknugg


    Agree video proves nothing and is clearly a commercial.
  4. danknugg


    There's no solid info on this stuff any where right now. So the names a gimmick, that doesn't mean it's poison in a bottle. Probably the opposite in fact, everything I can find says it's just plant oil extracts and that's exactly what it looks and smells like. Feels oily as well.
  5. danknugg


    I am positive at this point the actives in the bottle total under 5%, and probably under 2 yikes! But it smells like heaven and the plants drink it up and beg for more everyday. There's nothing else I've found on the market that's claiming organic and saying it does what terpinator does. And...
  6. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    Good insight my man, glad to have your opinion. Only ever really messed with cfls indoors so this might be the time to learn! I have some serious consideration to put in as my current setup is not capable of running big lights.
  7. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    I'm starting to catch on here. I like your thinking. Appreciate the heads up brother.
  8. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    Very cool man. I was thinking of doing the same, never have tried it. It's really interesting to hear you run 14 hours as I had only read about 20+ The massive plant thing doesn't sound too bad at all.
  9. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    OK gotcha that's what I was thinking. So are you saying the air temp in the greenhouse was 18 and you had a nice warm air pocket for the roots?
  10. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    I like hash. Would you say it was worth your time and effort, or would you have been happier putting your resources else where. Would you do it again?
  11. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    Wow 18! That's awesome. And I was concerned with 29 lol. How did you heat plants in the ground outdoors?
  12. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    What do you use to heat? I am thinking propane heaters. They have the 9-15 btu screw top heaters for the 5 gallon bottles. Oil is good to me! The outdoor should just about be cured real good when the oil harvest is ready!
  13. danknugg

    Greenhouse Winter Crop

    Cool good info fellas. So say my sunshine provides around 9 hours of light, supplementing for 3 hours or so would be worth the extra time, or sun will be just fine? My green house is 10 × 20 and I have enough solar and batteries to run about 350 watts for 4+ hours. As a side note is it...
  14. danknugg


    I really doubt there's a lot of heavy metals, the actual product smells like orange/lemon/lime oils. I believe they sell it as an organic product as well. Still at least 95 % water. But it is working nicely. I will have some interesting pics to post in less than a month.
  15. danknugg

    old hippy trick

    If only there was a 30 hour day so I could read for an extra 6. I will continue my due diligence on research thanks for help and advice.
  16. danknugg

    old hippy trick

    I'm probably over thinking it I just want to have the best possible end product in the shortest amount of time. If that makes any sense. I'm gonna go read tomato forums to learn botany things now lol.
  17. danknugg

    old hippy trick

    I see. I've been through those pages once or twice. The more I read the less I understand what is happening. Is it fermentation or no?
  18. danknugg

    old hippy trick

    Cool thanks. Searching now.
  19. danknugg

    old hippy trick

    I can't seem to find an account under the ne riddleme3
  20. danknugg

    old hippy trick

    Really? That's cool. So have you done this? The reason I want to do this is to cut the cure time as much as possible.